An event wise detail has not been made available, however, a brief of the events and efforts that went on to create and keep the banner of KKK flying high is summarised below.

It is heartening to know that EC had managed a grand budget of KD 670 for the whole year. This was also to include outdoor picnic and grand Rajyothsava.

Working with a low budget was possible through great efforts of ladies in preparing food in all the events all through the year and training the kids. Other members chipped in creating the stage backdrops, props and banners etc.


During the Rajyothsava, great background support work was provided by a very efficient stage crew led by Sri Gopinath and ensured that the various scenes went on like clockwork. Must say Sri Gopinath brought the aviation maintenance discipline to the stage. The background music and songs were composed and recorded by Sri Suresh (senior) and lady singers.