Imaging children without anesthesia

Melanie Ganz.mp4

Project "How can you avoid to put children with cerebral palsy in general anesthesia while they are in a brain scanner?" funded by the Elsass Foundation

In spring 2018 I received nearly 3.9 mio DKK from Elsass Foundation for the project "How can you avoid to put children with cerebral palsy in general anesthesia while they are in a brain scanner?" which will be hosted at NRU starting in April 2019 and running through March 2022.

Project abstract:

It is standard procedure in most Danish hospitals to employ general anesthesia when small children are in need of medical imaging procedures that demand anesthesia. Anesthesia is used to prevent the child from leaving the scanner, to reduce motion artefacts and for dealing with children that are too anxious to enter the scanning environment. Movement during the image acquisition can cause serious distortions of the imaging data, which can invalidate its quality and potentially lead to an erroneous conclusion. Even though complications directly related to general anesthesia are rare, there is an increasing concern about the potential neurotoxic effects of general anesthesia. Additionally, there are logistic and financial challenges associated with the use of general anesthesia.

The aim of our project is to utilize recent developments in medical imaging hardware technology in order to show that most young children can undergo medical imaging procedures without anesthesia and that it is still possible to obtain a high-quality diagnostic scan. We want to test the clinical efficacy of a marker-less motion tracking device that can register the child’s movements while scanning which allows for motion correction of the acquired images.

Our goal is to demonstrate the clinical utility of a novel approach of imaging including training, preparation and the use of the tracking device in children with cerebral palsy that undergo MRI scans for diagnostic purposes. Results from this project can be used when the new dedicated childhood brain damage MRI system funded by the Elsass Foundation is installed at BørneRiget, the new Mary Elizabeth childrens’s hospital to open in Copenhagen in 2026. 

Meet the Team:

Project PI

Melanie Ganz

Researcher, NRU, Rigshospital

Project Co-PI

Alfred Peter Born

Overlæge, Juliane Maries Center, Rigshospital

Project Nurse

Thurid Waagenstein

Nurse practitioner, Rigshospital

Project researcher

Kathrine Skak Madsen

Lektor, Professionshøjskolen Metropol  


Andre van der Kouwe

A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH

Stephen Robert Frost

A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH

Vibeke André Larsen

Head of Radiology, Rigshospital

 Nitesh Shekhrajka

Neuroradiologist, Rigshospital

Lise Borgwardt 

Overlæge, Rigshospital



Hannah Eichhorn

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

Student worker

Maria Christiansen

BSc psychology, University of Coepnhagen

Student worker, MSc student

Kathrine Christensen

MSc psychology, University of Copenhagen

MSc student

Evangelos Vouros

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

MSc student

Simon Chemnitz Thompsen

Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen

Project Nurse

Asta Kongsgaard

Nurse practitioner, Rigshospital

BSc student

Bianca Pedersen

Radiography, KP Metropol

BSc student

Martin Riis Rassing

Radiography, KP Metropol

MSc student

Andreea-Veronica Vascan

Datalogisk Institut, University of Copenhagen

Project Nurse

Ditte Busk Nielsen

Nurse practitioner, Rigshospital

The new NRU scanner

You can take a look at/get a virtual tour of the new NRU scanner here.

Media coverage

We have been covered in several news outlets:


On January 14th 2020, we were very shortly featured in the national evening news. The head of NRU, Gitte Moos Knudsen, was contacted to show off the NRU scanner and she decided to focus on our project in order to tell why this scanner was so special! So you can see Gitte showing and describing the prospective motion correction abilities the new scanner has (on a picture of my brain ) and me walking around operating Tracoline. It can be found here around minute 8:15: 


Our motion correction project was featured on the backside of Rigshospitalet's IndenRigs magazine in December 2020. The article generated quite a bit of interest on social media, see Facebook

Legeskanner er ikke for sjov (Nov. 2021)

Smart kamera sparer børn for fuld narkose (Dec. 2020)


Our mock scanner is featured in the August 2021 Next level magazine by Siemens. You can read our article titled "Mock-up  MR scanner helps to reduce anxiousness for children" here.

Related work

We hosted a Miccai 2021 challenge  as well as a second round at MedNeurIPS 2021. In order to participate, please visit