“For those “invisible” members of our society who attempt to succeed in the face of adversity, education is not viewed in the same light as it would be by a privileged person. To the disadvantaged, education may be a luxury pursuit, an endeavor that may or may not lead to a means of supporting oneself and one’s family.”(Flynn et al.)

Power and Privilege in the United States

How it relates to higher education

American culture had been massively created around independence and conformity. To be different, means you are not American. We structure the idea that people need fluent English, good educations, white skin and must be willing to fall in line.

People of other ethnicities and races are challenged much more walking through like then those who are white. This is a historical truth that persists even after the abolition of slavery as well as the civil rights movement. 

This falls in line with the above about racism and cultural influence. White supremacy makes people believe that whites are the superior race in a world full of many. Because of this, things such as racial and ethnic cleansing or restrictions from communities has been foundational of the United States. 

There are still wage gaps for women in the work force, women are also more than often subjected to work as well as be full time care providers for children and their partners. This morphed idea that subjects women to much more stress of life, has been seen for years as the "natural" foundations. Most of which were created in part for the nucellar family and oppression of all that do not fall in line with the ideas of the patriarchy.

Classism is wrapped into all of the above issues. White people more often than not come from some form of generational wealth, they have advantages over marginalized groups of individuals. A newly moved migrant may be on state benefits to help pay for food/housing/ect. A mom may seek TANIF to help pay for school clothes because she is a single mother. Many of what society structures us around is unrealistic and leaves many with financial disadvantages. 

"Systems of oppression are individual, institutional, and societal and their effects on people have a long history deeply rooted in American culture"(National Museum of African American History & Culture,2019).

Oppression applies to many in very different ways. Migrants in the US are oppressed by systems more often than naturalized citizens. Comparing the historical oppression that is foundational of the United States, it is no surprise that Migrant students are sometimes overlooked.