This is me. I'm Megan. I am a full time mom that thinks critically about life! I enjoy traveling, spending time with family and I love studying people, which is probably why I took the DESJ route. I think it is most important in life to try to understand each other and accept each person as a value to society. 

Community work is very important! It builds foundations that others may not have had the opportunity to have. This is my mission in life.


Everett Community College DESJ Graduate Spring 2023

One of the first two DESJ Grads, Go Trojans! 

Transfer Student at Western Washington University for Fall 2023

Human Services BA

This is me at the ACCT NLS 2023, lobbying with politicians at the Capital! 

Leadership Work in Higher Education

Volunteer Work

2023- Workshop Moderator 

2023- Workshop Moderator

2023- Workshop Moderator

Want to reach out? Please contact me at: