
This page contains sites that offer collections of resources to help individuals and educators address misinformation and disinformation and to promote media literacy. 

American Psychology Association Misinformation and Disinformation
This site draws on psychological science to explore  to explore how and why we are likely to believe misinformation and disinformation, and how we protect ourselves against its ill effects. It contains APA resources, articles, studies, webinars, and presentations.

First Draft
This site launched in 2005 (which is now archived) was created to provide practical and ethical guidance in how to find, verify, and publish content sourced from the web. While there is a strong focus on journalists and newsrooms, it includes research, tools, and trainings that are useful to the public and that remain relevant.  They also offer a collection of resources focused specifically on misinformation related to elections and public health. 

KQED for Educators

The nonprofit public media station KQED created this hub  for educators that contains professional development courses, classroom resources and tools that allow students to practice critical thinking, media making and civil discourse

Living Literature Review (Information Futures Lab, Brown University) 

This site, currently under development will contain a searchable database peer-reviewed articles of studies of effective interventions that mitigate misinformation. You can sign up to receive updates on site development. 

Media Literacy Clearinghouse   

Created by education Frank W. Baker, the Media Literacy Clearing house aims to be a central location where K-12 educators can locate appropriate resources for teaching about media and media literacy. Site also includes original material created by Baker.