Alternative Media Sources

This is a list of sites intended to provide a balanced approach to current news and events or to help readers access the accuracy of stories being shared through media. 

AllSides™ displays the top news stories from the Left, Center and Right of the political spectrum — side-by-side. They also provide a "Misinformation Watch" site that curates fact checks, balanced news, and original misinformation analysis to help you parse fact from fiction. 

PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter. They also host several companions sites, including PunditFact.

The Factual is an algorithm that rates 10,000+ news articles daily for how informative they are based on four metrics: the site quality, the author’s expertise, the quality and diversity of sources, and the tone of the writing. . They offer a newsletter, website, app, chrome extension, and the website that allows individuals to  rate any news article or search for the most factual news on any topic.

Snopes is a fact-checking website that sorts out myths and rumors and debunks urban legends. 

Tangle is a independent, non-partisan politics newsletter that daily summarizes the best arguments from across the political spectrum based on the news of the day.