Stereotyping in Sports Ads

This Page shows the main stereotype found in Spoorts ads (Page done by Shivani)

Woman Posing

This is an ad for leggings, shown on a woman. Notice that she is just sitting there, posing. This is a sports ad, for a sports brand. This woman should be running and showcasing her leggings. Instead, all she is doing is sitting down and looking pretty.

Man Running

This is a Nike ad, portraying shoes for men. Notice that in this image, the man is running, and actually doing something. This puts the idea in everyone's mind that men are the people who do all the work.

As you can see, these two images are advertisements for a certain product. Though they are sending an even deeper message, one that happens in your brain. The women is simply sitting down and posing, while the man is looking like he is hard at work, running and actually doing something. This portrays that women just do light airy poses and soft things, while men are hard workers. This is not true. Women work just as hard as men to, and sometimes even more because they have to often double the effort in fear of being overlooked. Though women in reality are so much more, these ads don't show that.