Stereotype Breakers

Here are some Perseverers, who didn't give up until they reached their goal

Page done by Akshaya

Marie Curie

Marie Curie was the first women scientist to earn the Nobel Prize. She was held back from reaching her goal her whole life, being told that women couldn't be scientists. She was also forced to find an alternative education from the one she wanted, being told that science was only for men. However, she kept persevering, and broke through the stereotype barriers, ending up being the first woman to earn the Nobel Prize, as well as the first person to earn it twice.

Sally Ride

Sally Ride was the first American woman is space. She went to Stanford University, but she had to fight for her education. She managed to earn a spot in Nasa, and after even more hard work, she was chosen by them to be the first U.S Female astronaut in space. After 2 historic journeys to space, she retired from NASA, and decided to take on a career to inspire young girls, and help them take on jobs in Science, Engineering, and Math fields.

Junko Tabei

Junko Tabei was a Japenese mountaneer, who defied who became the first woman to climb Mount Everest. After being told by all her friends and family that men were stronger, and she wouldn't be able to do it, she almost had no moral support when she started her climb. However, she still went on with her climb, enduring many injuries in the cold, harsh weather. She was even over taken by an avalanche, and survived, but kept climbing until she reached her goal, and scaled the whole mountain. She defied all the stereotype obstacles that blocked her, and ended up reaching her goal, proving anyone and everyone who tried to stop her wrong.