Stereotyping in Beauty Ads

This page shows before and after photoshopping in beauty ads for women. (Page done by Anisha)

Before and After Photoshopping

As you can see, there is a major difference between the women in the actual ad, and the real photo. The real women on the right, even without the photo shopping, is beautiful just the way she is. Though the ad encourages to differ. Even though a lot of people already know about these photo shopping tricks, it still sends that silent message, " You're not good enough on your own. You need to be altered to be shown in public."

General Before and After Makeup

Again, as shown here, this is a model that underwent a transformation through makeup and photoshopping. This shows how individuals themselves need to portray a different image of themselves to be beautiful. Even if in some circumstances, this may be applicable, there are a lot of people who just need to have some makeup on their face to display their confidence. No one needs that all the time. Especially when you're beautiful just the way you are.