2 - 1 Narrated Image Story
In this project you will create a "2 - 1 Narrated Image Story." This is a 2 minute story using ONLY 1 image.
Develop our storytelling skills.
Lay a foundation of storytelling with media.
Discuss intellectual property and open media licensing.
Discuss responsible media decisions / digital citizenship.
Before this lesson, have students join a Seesaw class for their class section / homeroom.
To introduce this lesson, the teacher can show a single image on the classroom projector/TV and share a story in 2 minutes or less about it. Use a visible timer (on an iPad/tablet, for example) so students see the time constraints as can the teacher. This step can be done the meeting day before the lesson procedures begin, or as the first procedure.
Show the 4 minute TED talk video "The Technology of Storytelling," warning/discussing with students in advance there is a reference to inappropriate language about 2.5 minutes into the video.
Use the "See Think Wonder" thinking routine to discuss this video together.
In Seesaw, demonstrate to students how they can respond to the "2-1 Narrated Image Story" activity.
Watch an example 2-1 Narrated Image Story created by someone else or by the teacher. (Hawaii volcano, Jumping Out of a Plane)
Give students the option to publish their final 2-1 story on their Seesaw blog.
Share links to student stories on Twitter using the hashtag #21narratedimagestory