Here are links to lessons we are using in class. Feel free to re-use and remix these with your own students!
5th Grade Projects (updated in Fall 2020)
5th Grade Projects (updated in Fall 2020)
5th Grade Projects (from 2019-20)
5th Grade Projects (from 2019-20)
Gmail Basics (Parts 1 and 2)
6th Grade Projects
6th Grade Projects
Family Oral History Interviews (updated 8-24-2020)
Conspiracy Theories (updated 02-2022)
Sketchnoting (updated 9-29-2020)
LaunchPad WikiPedia (updated 9-30-2020)
Google Tour Creator (updated 11-2-2020)
SIFT InfoPics (updated 2-15-2022)
Lessons Under Development or Consideration
Lessons Under Development or Consideration