Marius Beceanu's Website

Data analyses

By analyzing a dataset with 25 million records, reveals movie watchers' preferences: link.

An analysis of S&P 500 stock price correlations shows surprising connections: link.


Placed 6th in the 2022 ServiceNow Code to Win competition organized on the HackerRank platform.

Top 0.5% out of 450,000 competitors, among over 5 million site members. Top 100 in Weekly Contests 373 and 375. Top 200 in Biweekly Contests 110 and 122 and in Weekly Contest 363.

9/30/2023: Finally upgraded to the premium version. LeetCode is useful and I wanted to give something back (not to mention the perks). However, I waited for more than a year, to amass enough points for a LeetCode "free" T-shirt. I felt that gathering the points with a paid subscription would be doing it on "easy mode": not worth it. The T-shirt is on its way now (update: it has arrived), hence no reason not to subscribe.
At that time I was ranked roughly 35,000th in the general rankings. Thus, LeetCode may have sent out over 30,000 T-shirts!

Publication list

This is a list of my publications, last updated June 20th, 2024:

Papers on ArXiv (most up-to-date listing): link

A conference proceedings volume for which I am listed as an editor:

Nonlinear Dispersive Waves and Fluids, edited by S. Zheng, M. Beceanu, J. Bona, Geng Chen, T. V. Phan, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 725, AMS Book Series 2019.


My ResearchGate profiles are not the best reference for my work, but they can be found here and here.

Earlier work

My Ph.D. thesis, written under the supervision of Professor Wilhelm Schlag:
PDF file
Also see the 2008--2012 publications on the list above.

The following is a paper submitted to SICON in 2005. It is the generalization of my UAIC undergraduate thesis to arbitrarily many dimensions. Posted here is a revised version from 2007 that takes into account the referees' remarks:
PDF file

My Princeton undergraduate thesis, supervised by Professors Sergiu Klainerman and Igor Rodnianski:
PDF file

My undergraduate thesis at UAIC Iași, supervised by Professor Viorel Barbu:
English Romanian
Also see the 2003 publication on the list above.

My two junior-year projects at Princeton:

The first was done within the Junior Seminar, run by Professor Ramin Takloo-Bighash and Steve J. Miller.
It investigates some elementary properties of the period of the continued fraction of sqrt n.
PDF file

The second was done under the supervision of Professor Peter Sarnak.
It provides a computational confirmation of the Taniyama--Shimura conjecture, for non-integer primes in Z[i] of norm up to 45,000.
PDF file

The alphabet

By homotopy classes:

By homeomorphisms:
AR    B    CGIJLMNSUVWZ    DO    EFTY    HK    P    Q    X

Translations from Caragiale

Below are some short stories by a classical Romanian writer, I. L. Caragiale, in my translation.

You can find the original works here. All of Caragiale's work is out of copyright.

Căldură mare (Strong Heat) Original work here

Bubico Original work here

D-l Goe (Mr. Goe) Original work here

Lanțul slăbiciunilor (The Weaknesses' Chain) Original work here


It is customary for a website to include pictures. They can be found here.

YouTube channel

My YouTube channel contains videos I recorded for an Ordinary Differential Equations class. The production values are not great, but the content is fine.


"An illustration will make my meaning clearer:—here are three fingers—a little finger, a second finger, and a middle finger."

Plato, The Republic

"Je suis un grand poète. Mes poésies, je ne les écris pas : elles consistent en actions et en sentiments."
