Problem Solving

1. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Budget Request

Project title: Budget Request for the Department of Health and Human Services

Title of course/activity:

Yale Model Congress

Explain the background of this work:

The background of this work was that according to the actual budget of the department of Health and Human Services I was supposed to create a budget for the department's programs that are subsidy only.

This is my best evidence because we had to research many aspects of economics and predict the loss/gain of the American people.

Explain how you would rate your performance on this project using the 21C rubric.

I would rate my performance exemplary because I was self-motivated and persistent in planning and managing the problem solving process. I considered the problem from multiple perspectives in order to reach an accurate and effective solution. I also applied various types of reasoning strategies as appropriate to the situation. I analyzed how some of the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems. I skillfully arrived to conclusions, making connections between the evidence and my position.

This artifact demonstrates my strengths in this competency because I depicted a possible scenario that could happen to the American people.

My next steps for developing this competency is to seek more perspectives in solving the problem instead of a singular one.