Frequently Asked Questions
What kids are the best fit for Bridges MAYO Youth Orchestra?
Short answer: everyone!
Longer answer: We base our repertoire on the needs of our enrollment. Our orchestra coordinator, alongside BYO directors, listen to every child's recording. Because of our community partnerships and staff, we are able to maintain a low teacher:student ratio and customize our rehearsals around student needs. Currently, the BYO's core is middle schooled level string orchestra, however we have students that span the ages of 8-18!
Will the BYO be too difficult for my child?
The BYO faculty and staff provides additional support for students needing extra support: one on one Zoom lessons, IU Practicum student stand partners, and regular check-in's. In some cases, we've even created additional parts to meet students where they are.
Will BYO be too easy for my child?
Within every program, we will have a variety of music, each piece serving a different need: large ensemble playing, leadership opportunities,
Can my child do BYO instead of school orchestra? They are really busy.
Programs offered by Bridges Musical Arts Youth Organization are designed to be supplemental to school music programs. Our orchestra members participate in their school music programs whenever those are offered, and are encouraged to take advantage of a wide range of school musical activities.
"My child can't find their music" or "We are running so late..." should we still come?
Yes! Our rehearsals are SO important! Coming prepared to rehearsal and being on time to rehearsals are REALLY important, but your child's presence is the most important!