Research - General information (in english)

Research areas

Research supervision

Tarek Boufar : Started in October 2023 (supervision with Omar Rifki). Grant of  Région Hauts-de-France (50%) + Pôle Métropolitan de la Côte d’Opale (PMCO - 50%).
Title : Analysis of research landscape of constrained problem for the design of adaptive metaheuristics: application to garbage collection.

Sara Tari: From October 2015 to July 2019 (supervision with Adrien Goëffon). National grant. Defended on July 3rd 2019. Sara is now associate professor at LISIC laboratory (Calais, France).

The topic was the study of metaheuristics through an abstraction of combinatorial optimization problems in fitness landscapes. Her work has been published in several international conferences with proceedings and reading committees [CI-23][CI-22][CI-21][CI-20] and presented in other conferences [C-25][C-24][C-21]. The paper published at the EVOCOP 2018 international conference was voted the best paper of the conference. A book chapter was also published [Ch-1]. Finally, two articles have also been submitted to international journals and are currently being revised (ITOR, Natural computing).  

Brahim Chabane: From November 2013 to December 2017 (supervision with Jin-Kao Hao) Industrial funding (CIFRE grant - GéPI-conseil company). Defense carried out on December 4th 2017. Brahim is currently a design engineer in the company Gépi-conseil, partner of his CIFRE thesis. 

The objective was the implementation of a decision support system for the elaboration and planification of actions in the social and medico-social sector. Its work was the subject of two publications in international peer-reviewed journals [RI-12][RI-10]. Papers have also been accepted and presented at the LION 2015 and ROADEF 2015 and 2016 conferences [CI-16][C-18][C-23]. 

Rong-Qiang Zeng: From November 2008 to July 2012 (supervised with Jin-Kao Hao). Financed by the  China Scholarship Council. Defense carried out on July 2nd 2012. Rong-Qiang Zeng is now Assistant Professor at the University of Chengdu in China. 

The subject was about multiobjective algorithms based on quality indicators, applied to scheduling and multiobjective QAP. This work has been published in the journals Applied Soft Computing and Neural Computing & Applications [RI-8][RI-4] as well as in the conferences EMO 2013, ROADEF 2012, ROADEF 2010, META 2010 and ICIC 2010 [CI-10][C-6][C-7][C-8][C-10]. 

Sara Tari (2015): publications [C-21][Ch-5], She started a PhD afterwards (with Adrien Goëffon and me). Currently associate professor at LISIC laboratory (Calais, France).

Hugo Traverson (2014): publication [CI-18]. Started a PhD afterwards.

Arthur Chambon (2013): publication [C-22]. Started and defended a PhD afterwards.

Pierre Desport (2013): publication [CI-17]. Started a PhD afterwards. Currently assistant professor at université de Tours (France).

Vincent Vigneron (2013): publications [CI-15][C-14]. Started and defended a PhD afterwards.

Arnaud Liefooghe (2006): publication [CI-9]. Started a PhD afterwards. Currently associate professor at CRISTaL (Université de Lille, France).

Participations to program committees:

Participation to PhD Jury