
方言學與學系 (18-08-2023)


分Anglistik、Germanistik、Romanistik等等都有個問題,就係佢哋多數唔會接觸到其他語言區域嘅研究。以方言學為例,Germanistik嘅學生好多唔會接觸羅曼語系嘅方言學,vice versa,中文系都有呢個問題。你可能會問,都完全九唔搭八,做咩要睇?方言學同語言學一樣,係對人類使用語言呢個現象感興趣,並無話因唔同語言而唔去睇佢嘅研究。方言學因為最先研究方言嗰幾個國家有唔同傳統,導致後來被撥入唔同學科裡面,如德語方言學撥入Germanistik、法語方言學撥入Romanistik等等。如果冇咗學科/學系呢個障礙,可能方言學嘅發展可能會有所不同。

Hearing traditional dialect features... in 2023! (02-04-2023)

Background: I have a friend who is from Amersfoort, a city in the province of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Since she's also a linguistics students, I specifically looked up Amersfoort in my database and checked whether there's any record of the Amersfoort dialect and it does. 

I went on a day trip to Amersfoort, and it was such a beautiful city! After a day of walking, before I left, I heard some old ladies chatting, and they pronounced loopen as [lo:pə]. After I went home, I checked the RND record and the traditional dialect of Amersfoort also had [o:] for <oo> (in general)!

It was a bit sad that I couldn't hear other words that could have some archaic features, like [y:] for <ui>, [i:] for <ij> and open o for <a> etc.

Getting into language-specific dialectology (25-03-2023)

Recently, I have started digging more into the dialectology of Dutch. I have previously been interested in the general methods and theories in dialectal variation, and digging into the dialectology of a new language is an interesting experience. (This is gonna be about phonological variation)

Before I can understand the current literature, there are a few things I have to get more familiar with first. For Dutch, the first thing I notice when I read the description of dialects is that you need to know the phonology of Standard Dutch, Middle Dutch, as well as West Germanic. Very often, the literature makes references to the phonology of these three systems, and it is essential to understand what sound categories they refer to in order to understand the dialectal variation better. These categories might have merged in the Standard language, like the vowels in heet 'hot' (< Middle Dutch ēē/ e:) and breed 'broad' (< Middle Dutch êê / eə), but they are still distinguished in the dialects. 

Although I have some background knowledge in English historical phonology (since I was trained in English dialectology) and some German historical phonology (which helps me understanding some of the Germanic phenomena), there's still some way to go before I have enough basic background knowledge for Dutch. I can imagine it would be even harder if I'd like to work on other Indo-European branches, or even non-IE languages (I'm not even counting the literature being inaccessible to me due to the language barrier and their jargons being completely foreign, which I have had that experience before when I first started with Chinese dialectology). 

Perceptual Hyperdialectalism (20-01-2023)

At the LOT Winter School, I asked a Dutch PhD student from Overijssel to try to recite the numbers in his dad's dialect, and he said that in his region, they would say fīf for 'five'. However, when he asked his dad to send a recording, 5 is the same as the standard fijf.

What is more interesting is that when his dad said 'one' and 'two', they were produced with a monophthong (non-standard form). However, his dad also sent us a recording of a working-class version of the same words, 'one' and 'two' were produced in the standard diphthong. However, I will focus on the pronunciation of 'five' below.

I had a look at the RND & GTRP and checked the traditional way of saying 'five' in the dad's dialect. Both sources recorded the form [vɛif] (although the fieldwork for RND was done not as early as some other volumes). Therefore, the student has imitated a 'dialectal' form which isn't really part of the dialect.

What might have happened here is that the student could be aware that their grammar is different from the older speakers, as well as trying to preserve their 'in-group' status in the community and this might have led to "judgments that do not reflect any current grammar of the dialect" (Preston 2013: 234).

The screenshot below is from RND.

「有口音」呢句嘢講完等於冇講 (03-10-2022)

「有口音」呢句嘢講完等於冇講。每個人都有口音㗎啦~ 有咩口音、特徵先得㗎??

口音(accent)係純粹(讀同一個字時)發音上嘅差別(Chambers & Trudgill 1998: 5)。咁即係話,每個人講一種話(包括手語)只要使用語言都會有屬於自己同自己群體嘅口音,包括native speakers。



P.S. 「懶音」(粵語近期嘅音變)其實亦係口音嘅一種。

P.P.S. 有關口音、方言嘅問題可以問方言學家嘅意見,好似有化學問題你都會揾化學專家、博士咁,唔使自己喺度拗


Chambers, J.K. & Trudgill, P. (1998). Dialectology [方言學] (2nd Ed.).

科普並唔易 (28-06-2022)


語言學係一門幾少人認識嘅科目,而方言學就係語言學裡面比較少人識嘅科目。語言學嘅科普page唔算多,有幾個比較出色嘅包括「語研 Linguistika」同埋「麻瓜語言學」,但係前者已經冇活躍幾年。方言學嘅科普page只有「Mr. Dialectology」。呢個page對於方言學唔同範疇都有介紹,但有一個好嚴重嘅問題:個page啱啱開始個陣時會介紹啲入門嘅基本知識,例如「語言」同「方言」有咩分別;咩係「等語線」等等,有機會甚至連非語言學學生都會明。但係而家(過咗幾年後)有啲post嘅題材會探討得比較深入,有時可能連讀過語言學嘅學生都未必應用到,而且非語言學學生一定唔會明,所以達唔到科普嘅效果。一個page唔可以成日圍繞住入門嘅topic,因為咁樣只係會永遠停留喺初級階段(followers都悶啦), 但係隨住時間過去而慢慢深入探討某啲話題又會遠離科普(雖然對啲想學多啲方言學嘅人嚟講會好正),好似下面個post咁。又要顧舊嘅followers,又要顧新嘅語言學學生同非語言學學生,呢樣嘢真係好難平衡。



地方普通話究竟係點樣產生㗎呢? (15-03-2022)



地方普通話其中一個定義係「方言區人們學習普通話過程中出現的一種中介語」(張建強 2009: 68)。個媽媽講嘅口音就係屬於呢一種,而個細路講嘅普通話就唔完全係呢種。某啲母語係粵語嘅家長會喺屋企同啲仔女講普通話,然後啲細路會喺屋企常用語言係普通話嘅環境長大。當然,係呢種情況學嘅普通話係父母嘅L2普通話,而唔係標準語。但係喺今時今日,啲細路又唔會淨係喺屋企講普通話,因為佢哋喺學校亦會接觸到。學校學到嘅普通話通常比較接近標準語(因為啲先生經過考核),咁就可以解釋到點解片中個細路嘅普通話比較接近普通話嘅發音,但同時又有啲非標準語嘅成份,例如「熱」讀 [ji]、「除」讀 [tsuei]。當然,呢啲讀法亦有機會係個細路自己嘅L1 transfer(但由於我哋唔知道呢個家庭嘅背景,呢個post只係借片分享方言形成嘅其中一個可能性)。我聽多次之後發覺原來個細路個「熱」字都讀過[ɻ̩],咁即係話個細路好可能可以喺唔同場合style-shift。


張建強 (2009). 地方普通話產生根源探究.

我哋印象中嘅譚仔口音同現實中嘅譚仔口音有咩分別? (28-10-2021)



-「墨」讀成「勿」 - 韻尾 [-k] > [-t]

-「丸」讀成「演」 - 元音 [y] > [i]

-「十」讀成「實」 - 韻尾 [-p] > [-t]

-「辣」讀成「勒」 - 元音 [a] > [ɐ](但網上有時可以見到「辣」依然讀「辣」音)、韻尾 [-t] > [-k]

-「腩」讀成「懶」 - 韻尾 [-m] > [-n]

-「雞」讀成「佳」 - 元音 [a] > [ɐ]

-「檸」讀成「鏈」 - 元音 [ɪ] > [i]、韻尾暫時當無變化


第一條[1] (非七師傅):

-「墨」讀 [ma],冇入聲,元音讀[a]而非[ɐ]

-「丸」讀 [jyn] (同廣東話同音)

-「辣」讀 [la],冇入聲


- 「譚」讀 [tʰan],韻尾 [-m] > [-n]

- 「兩」讀 [lʲaŋ], 元音 [œ] > 顎化 + [a]

- 「話」讀 [hua], 聲母 ∅ > [h]

- 「平」讀 [pʰiŋ], 元音 [ɪ] > [i]

- 「時」讀 [ɕi],聲母 [s] > [ɕ]

- 「款」讀 [hun], 聲母 [f] > [h] 等等

以上嘅發音方法同我哋所認識嘅譚仔口音有分別,尤其是「丸」嘅讀音。而「款」讀 [hun]令我哋可以推斷呢位譚仔姐姐應該係由福建/潮汕地區(閩語區)嚟嘅。


-「雞」讀 [kɐi],同廣東話同音

-「墨」讀 [ma],韻母 [ɐk] > [a]

-「丸」讀 [jyn] ,同廣東話同音

-「辣」讀 [laˀ],基本上無入聲

-「三」讀 [saŋ],韻尾 [-m] > [-ŋ]

- 「職」讀 [t͡sɐk],元音 [ɪ] > [ɐ]

- 「迎」讀 [jiŋ],元音 [ɪ] > [i]

- 「品」讀 [pɪn], 元音 [ɐ] > [ɪ] 等等






正音?懶音?勤音?  (19-07-2021)



呢種改變口音嘅方法係一個典型嘅Change from Above,即係呢種係一種有意識嘅音變。但係,由於去除ng-呢個讀法已經進行咗一段時間,大多數人嘅grammar裡面本身係冇分開兩套唔同嘅字,所以喺唔知情之下就會將啲本身冇ng-音嘅字都讀成有ng-音。呢嗰現象叫做過度矯正(hypercorrection)。由於呢個係「懶音」嘅相反,所以我叫佢做「勤音」。
