About me

8th Undergraduate Linguistic Association of Britain (ULAB) Conference (2018)

I am a 4th year PhD student at Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) and Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities (LUCDH). 

My main research interest is in (general) dialectology, the study of geographical variation of language. In other words, I create and analyse linguistic maps based on data from dialect surveys and linguistic atlases. I am interested in questions like "do dialect boundaries exist?" and "how did a specific linguistic feature spread from one place to another?". I am also interested in exploring the dialect variation of tones. How do dialects differ on the tonal level? Do we find a dialect continuum with tones? These are all questions that I would like to explore further.

I am also interested in creating digital maps using Geographical Information System (GIS), and with these maps, I like to explore the phonological history of dialects by exploring the areal distribution of variants as well as sound change interactions and diffusion patterns. Other than using the existing methods in dialectology, I also like to find new ways in understanding the dialect data by writing various Python scripts. I also have experience in using R for data visualisation.

Previously, I explored the relationship between San Diu, a language spoken in Northern Vietnam, and a number of Southern Sinitic languages in my undergraduate dissertation. For my Master's thesis, I studied the geographical variation of a feature in Yue dialects and reconstructed an older dialect landscape of Guangdong. You can find my Master's thesis here. 

I have also worked with traditional English dialects with the Survey of English Dialects (SED), as well as Scottish English with Youtube videos as the source of data. In addition, I have used German and Dutch dialect data for some side projects in my PhD, as well as Japanese (Kasai data).

At the moment (Oct 2023-), I am running a digitisation project with the SED data with my students who are taking Methods in Dialectology, and the data will be used for the Introduction to Dialectometry workshop series in 2024. I hope to make this dataset open access in the near future.

You can find out more about my PhD project here.


[2021]  - 

Leiden University

PhD Candidate

[2019]  - [2020]

University of Edinburgh

MSc Linguistics by Research with Distinction

[2015]  - [2019]

University of Edinburgh

MA Linguistics (Hons) 1st Class Honour