Student Hours with Mrs. P

Spring 2024

Student hours are available on Zoom.  If the provided times do not fit your schedule, please contact me so we can set up another time to meet!  

Zoom Student Hours by Appointment:

Zoom student hours are by appointment only. To sign up for Zoom student hours, use the Calendly applet or visit the Calendly website.

Meeting Philosophy: Come as you are!

When it comes to meeting with me for student hours, my philosophy is "come as you are." You might be meeting me from your car on your lunch break. Or at home with your children in the background. Don't apologize. Come as you are. I will be doing the same. You will probably meet my Teaching Assistant (my 3-year-old daughter) during our Zoom meetings. Or hear my cats in the background.

Mrs. P's family in Antigua, Guatemala