
Re-Dos & Corrections Policy

It’s not about being perfect when you’re learning. We make mistakes and fix mistakes, which is an important part of the learning process.  In this class, you will have opportunities to redo or make corrections to every assignment.  If you are asked to make corrections to an assignment, you will be notified by an assignment comment in Canvas. Please turn on your Canvas notifications so that you don't miss a comment! 

Attendance Policy

Please know that I prefer to keep students in my class. I do not want to drop even one student! So if you fall behind, please contact me as soon as possible. We'll work together to get you caught up.

For Face-To-Face Classes: Coming to class is crucial to your success.  I expect to see you every week. Please let me know if you will be absent ahead of time if possible. You can speak to me about your absence in class or send me a message on Canvas. If you are absent unexpectedly or you miss several classes, I will check in on you.  More than four absences may result in you being dropped from the course. 

For Online Classes: To count as your attendance during the first week and to avoid being dropped, be sure to log into the course and complete the assignments in the orientation unit. I will check in on you if you forget to participate.  Assignments will be due weekly on Canvas.  To avoid being dropped, it is important for you to log in and complete work regularly.  If you do not make progress for four or more consecutive days (including weekends), I'll be emailing you to check in and help you re-engage with the course.

Late Work Policy

The need to turn in late work occurs for a variety of reasons.  The important thing is to talk to me about it so that I can support you. If you know that you are going to be absent or an emergency arises, please let me know and see if it is possible to turn in an assignment early or make it up on a different day.  

Homework will be due every week.  The best learning experience is one in which you keep pace with the posted due dates on Canvas.  Keeping pace helps you to digest the material with deeper understanding.  If you are not keeping up with the class, I will contact you to see how I can support you in this effort.  

With the understanding that keeping up with the work is what is best going to support your learning, I understand that life happens and sometimes it is not possible to get something done by the due date. Don’t be worried if you miss something. Please send me a message and we can discuss a plan to get you back on track.

Campus Code of Conduct

Cuyamaca College students are bound by the Student Code of Conduct. In this course, cheating, plagiarism, fraud and/or lying may result in a grade of “F” for the assignment/test with no make-up work permitted. Any of these infractions may also result in formal disciplinary action by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs as described in the Student Code of Conduct.

Class Etiquette

Often referred to as "netiquette," here is a gentle reminder of the interaction practices and rules we'll follow in all our interactions in this course.  If you ever feel that someone is not following these rules, please send a message to me and describe your concerns.

Hate-Free Zone

In our classroom, each student should feel free to express their own opinion and ideas in a respectful manner. Students should be open to listening to and appreciating differences in opinions, life experiences, worldviews, values/beliefs, etc. Our class is a hate-free zone. Please be mindful of how you communicate your values, beliefs, ideas, opinions, etc. While we will often disagree with other people, it does not give anyone the right to intentionally hurt others with words or to discriminate against them. Words matter. Therefore, take a moment to think about what you want to say or post in the chat/discussion board.

View a text-only version of The Core Rules of Netiquette in a new window.