
Project Information

Objective:  Over the course of this semester, you will use data to gain real-life experience using the statistical techniques we are studying this semester.

The Math 15/215 Project will consist of several parts, which you will work on and turn in over the semester.

Project Grading: All parts of the project will be turned in via Canvas and will be graded on a Complete/Incomplete basis. Think of each submission as a rough draft. When you turn in a part of the project, I will review it and give you feedback in Canvas. If everything looks good, you will receive a Complete grade (full credit!) and you can move on to the next part of the project. If changes need to be made, you will receive an Incomplete. If that happens, you’ll need to review my comments in Canvas, make changes, and resubmit it until you get a Complete grade.

Please note that I will not grade the next part of the project until you have earned a Complete on the previous part, and you should not move on to a new part of the project until you’ve earned a Complete on the previous part!

Each part of the project is equally weighted.

Click here if you want to download extra copy of the Project Description Handout.

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