Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you need disability-related accommodations for this class, such as a note taker, test-taking services, special furniture, etc., please speak with me  privately or send me an e-mail as soon as possible. I would like to speak with you one-on-one so that we can discuss what you need to succeed in this class.

When we meet, I will read your Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA) letter from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) and we can discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.

If you have not yet received your authorization letter from DRD, you can contact them directly here: SRJC DRD Department 

Testing Accommodations:

If your accommodations give you additional time on tests or quizzes, our Petaluma DRD Department will be able to accommodate you! 

If you are planning to take your test or quiz in DRD so you can have your extra time, please notify me via email at least 3 days in advance so I can notify the DRD department, reserve a seat for you, and get your materials to them in a timely manner. Thank you!