Frequently Asked Questions

Find a lot of questions about our online learning on the LPC website.

How do I get a loaner laptop (or other equipment) from LPC?

Complete this Google Form, and someone will reach out to you about your request.  LPC has laptops, webcams, and other materials available to help you learn during this period of online classes. Take advantage of what LPC can provide to help you in your learning!

What if I have a disability? 

If you need accommodations, please let me know by the second week of class. DSPS can assist you in identifying the appropriate accommodations to meet your needs. Should you encounter a problem accessing any portion of the course online, please contact me immediately so I can correct it.

Can we use notes on exams? 

*Depends on the class. Exams are to test your understanding of concepts. For some exams notes are allowed, while other exams they are not. Please ask me if you don't know from the directions given whether you can use notes. For online classes, I will let you know the exam instructions and allowable resources up to one week before the exam so you are prepared.

Are there opportunities to make up exams? 

A make-up exam is when you miss the original testing time or day.   If you miss an exam or if you know in advance that you will miss an exam, you should contact me as soon as possible to arrange a make up time. Make ups must be completed within ONE WEEK of the exam date, and before exams are graded and returned. There must be a reasonable excuse for missing an exam. 

Are there opportunities to retake exams? 

A retake means you've already taken the exam, and you want to take it again.  While we are online, I do not allow retakes.  However, for some classes, I will allow you to correct your missed problem(s) for points back!  I adhere to brain research results that show that we learn from our mistakes, so to encourage this learning, you can correct your missed problem(s) for half the points back on the problem you missed on the exam. More instructions will be provided after the first exam.

Any Extra Credit possibilities? 

One. If you attend three Smart Shops, you can earn three points to be added to the final exam. Since you will not be able to “retake” or correct the final exam, this gives you a chance to earn some extra points in the semester. You just need to complete the final survey from the Smart Shop, and make sure you enter only my name for Instructor. I will not allow "double counting" for Smart Shops, so if you have multiple classes requiring Smart Shop attendance, it is advised you keep track of what you attend and which class you're attending for.  

Keep in mind that you have multiple opportunities to earn points (late work is accepted, all activities will be made available to you through OneNote, exam corrections). You should be thinking about ALL the work you do as “extra credit”, since all the assignments are required and part of your grade. Work on good study habits and do your homework! 

What happens if I am caught cheating? 

It is important for me to know what YOU know at given points in the class. I need to be able to adjust my teaching to help you better learn, or to reach out with additional resources and help if you need it.  Because of this, it is imperative that students complete all assignments, tests and the final exam using their own work, and not that of anyone or anything else. You are encouraged to work collaboratively on most assignments including group projects and homework; however, work is expected to be yours alone. If you are found violating this policy (especially on tests), you will receive a 0 on the quiz, test, or assignment in question, which will not be dropped or replaced.  You will also be referred to the Dean of Student Services through the LPC Academic Honesty Policy. Also see the Student Honesty and Integrity section on this site. Mistakes happen, especially on misunderstanding what is allowed (or not) for a test. If you are questioning whether a particular website, program, or resource is allowed, reach out to me.  

Can I get an incomplete? 

A grade of “incomplete" is given only when a last-minute disastrous event (such as serious illness or death in the family) prevents a student from completing the course. You must be passing the course at the time of the disastrous event to receive this grade. 

How do I withdraw from the class?

If you believe you won't complete the course successfully and you want to withdraw from the class, you can do so through Class-Web, any time before the last day to withdraw with a "W". Make sure to check the current academic calendar for that date.

Once the date has passed, you cannot withdraw from the class. There are no automatic withdraws from any class.

Do you have another Question that isn't answered here? Email/message me!

Our greatness comes when we appreciate each other's strengths, when we learn from each other, when we lean on each other. ~ Michelle Obama

Media Credits: 

Course Banner: Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay   

Quote Background: Man and Woman Leaning Together, Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash