Any Help for Math 1?

Math Jam occurs the week before classes start to get your brain cells working on math.  

Concurrent Support classes are semester-long courses to help you throughout your target math course for three hours per week. Also, the online Canvas course has great resources to help review content or brush up on prerequisite skills.  You can take the course for 1 unit credit (Math 100C) or tuition-free noncredit (NMAT 200C) - it is the same environment, you just get to choose whether you need the unit for financial aid or qualifying purposes (paid) or not (free). 

NOTE: For Spring 2024, I am teaching the following support classes: 


The Tutorial Center is available through the Penji app and in-person in 21215. There are tutors available in the Concurrent Support class, for drop-in at Tutorial Center, and weekly at a regularly-scheduled time.

My Contact Hours!  

I am happy to help by answering questions or explaining a concept in a manner that hopefully meets your learning needsSee my availability and contact information.

Study with a fellow student from class.  

Creating a study group is one of the best ways to learn. Even if you do not like to work with others or if you think you “got this”, having to explain a concept or process to another student not only helps that student, but it also helps you form a more solid mental structure on the concept by forming your understanding into words. A study group (or study partner) is a two-way benefit! 

You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better.   By becoming a little better each and every day, over a period of time, you will become a lot better. ~ John Wooden

Media Credits: 

Course Banner: Lego Stormtroopers Inserting USB Cable, Photo by Will Porada on Unsplash  

Bottom Quote Background: Turtle and Daisy, Photo by Sindy Strife on Unsplash