Why Take Statistics?

Why take Statistics?

We live in a data-driven society. According to this Forbes Article which is over 4 years old, we have generated over 90% of the world's data in just two years!  We need to be able to understand and interpret all this data in meaningful and thoughtful ways.  Also, people will display data in multiple ways and talk about data differently than other people will. (Example: Median vs. mean - which is the true measure of center? Answer: Depends on the data.) The news media is crazy with data displays and polls, but are they useful? Do they help us be more informed? Take a look at these misleading graphs that have shown up in the news. 

We need to be well-informed to make good decisions, and yet, we are often not informed enough. We make the best decision we can with the information we have. Statistics shows us this very principle in action.

Read more about my own personal teaching philosophy and expectations for the class.

Statistics and Probability (Math 40) satisfies the Mathematics requirement for an Associate degree. Math 40 also serves as a transfer-level math course for some majors.

Why Statistics - from Statisticians and Career Professionals

Why You Should Love Statistics

More reasons why you should take Statistics!!

Link to This is Statistics Flyers: 1 page, 2 page

Link to World of Statistics Flyer

Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey. ~ Michael Josephson

Media Credits: 

Course Banner: Dow Jones, Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash 

YouTube and TedEd Videos, used with permission

Bottom Quote Background, Five People Jumping at Sunset, Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash