Rights and Responsibilities

Regarding Classes

You are here to learn. So is everyone else! To learn, we must use our own brains to think, create, practice, engage in the content. But we also must use each other as sounding boards, refer to our textbooks or other articles, and get feedback from others. I expect you, as a learner, to do this work as your own. I also encourage you to work collaboratively on most assignments. However, assessments (exams) should be individual and using only the allowable resources provided on the exams. <Any student found violating this policy can receive a 0 on the assessment. This score may not be dropped. The student will be referred to the Dean of Student Services.> However, I hope that you don't reach that point, where you feel you need to cheat to "make a good grade." I am here to help you learn! If you feel you are in a crisis with your education or overwhelmed with life, come talk with me. Let's work together to ensure you maintain your integrity in the class and get help you need to manage events and situations that are preventing you from being successful.

The three items below are required by the school for me to include in the syllabus. Read them, but know that I am here to help you, and please reach out to me with any concerns or problems you have.

The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District encourages all students to pursue academic studies and other college-sponsored activities. In pursuit of these goals, the student should be free of unfair or improper action from any member of the academic community. The District accords every student the right of protection. Students, however, are responsible for complying with college and district regulations and for meeting the appropriate college requirements. The Colleges have an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of the colleges can go forward freely, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity and freedom of expression. In joining the academic community, the student enjoys the right of freedom to learn and shares responsibility in exercising that freedom. A student is expected to conduct himself or herself in accordance with standards of the college.

Act with honesty, integrity, and respect for others (including yourself). Since we are all here to learn, it is important to minimize distractions during class. Disruptive activities include (but are not limited to): use of electronic or other loud devices, arriving late to or leaving early from class, and using inappropriate language. Adherence to the highest standard of academic integrity is of utmost importance to maintaining optimal teaching and learning at Las Positas College. Students agree not to cheat; plagiarize; commit fraud or deceit; copy, release, sell, or distribute instructional materials without permission; and solicit or assist another to do any act, which would subject another to expulsion, suspension, probation, or other sanction.

All members of the college community are committed to hold one another accountable for maintaining high quality of instruction and for the acquisition of knowledge for the purpose of certificate and degree attainment, transfer to a four-year college or university, workforce preparation, and lifelong learning.

Repetition for Replacement of a Non-Standard Grade

There is a state-mandated Repetition Policy for the Chabot-Las Positas District that is retroactive to the date a student first started taking courses within the district (at either Chabot or Las Positas)

What does this mean for students?

  • Within the district, a student is allowed to attempt a course (or courses equivalent to it) a total of THREE TIMES. If the first attempt is unsuccessful (W, D, F, or NC (No Credit)), a student has two additional attempts to complete the course with a passing grade (A, B, C or Cr (Credit)).

  • After three attempts to pass a course (or equivalent course), students will be blocked from registering for that course (or its equivalents) again at either Las Positas or Chabot College unless a special circumstance petition is approved, as described in the Administrative Rules and Procedures.

For more information, visit the Mathematics Department website.

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us. ~ Wilma Rudolph

Media Credits:

Course Banner: Calculator and Papers, Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Bottom Quote Background: Surrounded by Trees, Looking into Sky, Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash