Wind Band Gap Semiconductor

WBG Semiconductor Epitaxial Growth

We perform thin film growth and characterization of homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial layers of Wide Band Gap (WBG) Semiconductor for applications in electronic devices that can operate at extreme conditions. Growth methods include Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)

High-throughput evaluation of TFT materials

Our group applies high throughput experimental methods to thin film transistors (TFTs), including combinatorial channel layer growth, device fabrication, and semi-automated characterization. This allows for both extrinsic and intrinsic device gradients to be generated in a TFT library, for example channel thickness, width, or composition.

UWBG semiconductor modeling

We also collaboration with several modeling groups on predicting new Ultra Wide Band Gap (UWBG) Semiconductors, simulating the expected device performance, and evaluating their future cost reduction potential

Selected Publications

Growth and Characterization of Homoepitaxial ß-Ga2O3 Layers

Tellekamp, M., Heinselman, K., Harvey, S., Khan, I., Zakutayev, A.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 484002 (2020)

High-throughput fabrication and semi-automated characterization of oxide thin film transistors

Han, Y., Bauers, S., Zhang, Q., Zakutayev, A.

Chinese Physics B 29 018502 (2020)

A computational survey of semiconductors for power electronics.

Gorai, P., McKinney, R. W., Haegel, N. M., Zakutayev, A., & Stevanovic, V.

Energy & Environmental Science 12, 3338 (2019)

How Much Will Gallium Oxide Power Electronics Cost?

Reese, S. B., Remo, T., Green, J., & Zakutayev, A.

Joule 3, 903 (2019)


Andriy Zakutayev

Brooks Tellekamp