
COMBIgor is an open-source software package written in the commercial Igor Pro environment and designed to offer a systematic approach to loading, storing, processing, and visualizing combinatorial data. It includes (1) methods for loading and storing data sets from combinatorial libraries, (2) routines for streamlined data processing, and (3) data-analysis and -visualization features to construct figures. COMBIgor is designed to be easily customized, to integrate additional instruments and data processing algorithms.

More information: ACS Combinatorial Science (2019)

The High-Throughput Experimental Materials Database (HTEM DB) has information about materials obtained from high-throughput experiments. The purpose of releasing this large amount of high-quality experimental data to the public is to 1) enable the discovery of new materials with useful properties and 2) facilitate application of machine-learning algorithms to experimental materials data.

More information: Scientific data, 5, 180053 (2018)

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

The High-Throughput Experimental Materials Database builds off of an extensive Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) . The LIMS consists of the Data Warehouse, automatically harvested from computers to a central location. It also includes a Lab Metadata Collector (LMC), a custom web form based applications for capturing synthesis conditions associate with the characterized sample libraries.