Sports Medicine & Performance Massage Therapist

 I provide sports and performance massage therapy both in my office and in the field. 

Sports massage for me is not simply a routine. Over my professional career, through extensive training and clinical experience, I have developed effective and systematic skills for working with athletes and performers to help them recover quicker, sleep better, overcome pain and reach their peak performance.  

I specialize in sports medicine massage approach for athletes and love the experience of working onsite and on the sidelines to support local & regional youth, adaptive athletes and athletic events. 

Whether it's a performing arts event or ultra-endurance competition, I am always honored to help others reach their performance goals.     

I also serve to coordinate events for the FSMTA, Emerald Coast- Sports Massage Team. Our team was created to provide licensed and insured professionally trained therapists to meet the needs of special events, including both Large or Small competitions, or multi-day events.       

I look forward to working with you soon, 

 James Fritschle  LMT

Below are a few of the annual events and clubs I either sponsor, volunteer or team-up to support: 

Mere Mortals