A clinical massage specialist with over 23 years of experience, James utilizes a knowledgeable and vast skill set. 

Need relief for muscle tension, aide for body pain? 

Need help to overcome a nagging injury or recover mobility after a surgery or trauma? 

 Want to feel amazing and more at home in your body?  

  4 primary bodywork approaches offered are:

1) Myofascial Fitness Bodywork Therapy 

2) Trigger Point/ Neuromuscular a.k.a. "Muscle Knot" Work

3) Pre & Post Opp Manual Lymphatic Drainage

4) Sport Performance Specific Massage Work 

  Wellness sessions--single appointments or ongoing health & care plans are available. 

I do not provide "cookie-cutter" massage routines; however, I do offer specific, safe, evidence informed  wellness care. 

Each session is tailored to work with YOU, and for you depending on any current challenges or the stress and load upon your mind and body.   

Prior to your initial appointment, you will be asked to complete a health history and assessment.

If you have further questions or concerns, we can schedule an assessment & consultation time ahead to determine what strategies may be helpful for you and or your body at the time.  

Not sure just yet which type of massage or bodywork you need??  

Below is a little more detailed guide:   

Assessment & Consultation

Is massage therapy beneficial for you or your current health challenge?

 A consultation is time set apart from a hand-on session to help answer any questions, conduct general evaluation, and formulate or re-evaluate health & wellness goals with a fitness professional. (This is not to be used as a substitute to a physical health exam designed by your health-care physician). 

 *Consultation is complementary with new patient/client session. 

Sports & Performance Massage 

Sore, tight & overworked??  

We are ALL athletes or performers, depending upon how we use or abuse our bodies.Sport-specific massage therapy includes integrated soft-tissue therapy which may include "deep tissue", myofascial release, NMT trigger point therapy, muscle activation, lymphatic drainage, active and or passive stretching depending on the goals and training specifications of the client or athlete. 

Available in 60 or 90 minute sessions. 

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)

Are you feeling sluggish? 

MLD is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart. 
Injuries, immobilization, disuse, surgeries and other body traumas can have a negative impact on the bodies' passive lymphatic circulation.  MLD can help restore circulation, reduce painful swelling, speed recovery in local and "global" body areas.  

Myofascial Bodywork

Do you have areas where you feel stiff or stuck? 

Myofascial Release uses specific techniques focused along the connective tissue lines of tension. It helps your body heal properly from injuries and is used to help restore range of motion and ease of movement from connective tissue restrictions.