How to Set Business Goals to Grow Your Massage Practice

How to Set Business Goals to Grow Your Massage Practice

The United States is home to an excess of 2 million massage therapists, but with the growing competition in this industry has come new challenges. You need a plan if you hope for success!

The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment for massage therapists to grow at a faster pace than the average profession, as many turn entrepreneurial and seek out their own practices in an effort to reach success! Setting goals when starting up your massage therapy business will help pave this path with ease.

Here are 4 tips to help set business goals for your massage therapy practice:

1. Define what success looks like for you-

Before you can achieve success, you first need to define what it looks like to you. What are your personal and professional goals? Do you want to work part-time or full-time? Do you want to be self-employed or work for someone else? What is your ideal clientele? Answering these questions will help you better understand what you need to do to achieve success.

2. Set realistic goals-

Once you have a clear idea of what success looks like for you, it’s time to set some goals. But be sure to keep them realistic! Trying to accomplish too much too soon can lead to burnout or even failure. Set goals that you know you can reasonably achieve within a certain time frame.

3. Create a marketing plan-

A great way to reach your target market and attract new clients is to create a marketing plan. This can include things like creating a website or social media profile, handing out business cards, or participating in local events or fairs.

4. Stay organized and focused-

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to reach your goals is to stay organized and focused. This means setting up a system that works for you and sticking to it. This could involve using a planner, setting reminders, or creating to-do lists. Whatever you do, make sure you stay on track and don’t get sidetracked by other things!

Following these tips will help you set goals that will grow your massage therapy practice. Keep in mind that it takes time and effort to achieve success, but it is definitely attainable if you have a plan and stay dedicated to it.

Before we begin:

There are two things that you need to have a clear understanding of before you start implementing your massage therapy marketing plan:

1. Your niche:

As a massage therapist, you have the opportunity to specialize in a particular area or niche. This could be anything from sports massage to prenatal massage. If you haven’t already, take some time to think about what your niche is and what makes you unique as a therapist.

2. Your ideal clientele:

It’s important to have a clear understanding of who your ideal clientele is. This will help you create targeted marketing materials and know where to find potential clients.

Some things to consider when thinking about your ideal clientele are:

Now that you have a clear understanding of your niche and ideal clientele, you’re ready to start setting goals that will help grow your massage therapy practice!

1. Set Financial Goals

One of the most important things to consider when setting goals for your business is your finances. This includes setting income goals, budgeting for expenses, and creating a savings plan. Doing this will not only help you stay on track financially, but it will also give you a better idea of how much money you need to bring in each month to reach your overall financial goals.

2. Increase Your Clientele

Of course, one of the main goals of any business is to increase its clientele. As a massage therapist, there are a few things you can do to attract new clients. This includes creating a marketing plan (which we will discuss in more detail below), offering discounts or promotions, and participating in local events or fairs.

3. Grow Your Online Presence

In today’s digital age, it’s important to have an online presence. This means having a website and/or social media profile for your business. If you don’t already have one, now is the time to create one! Having an online presence will not only help you attract new clients, but it will also give you a way to stay in touch with your existing clients.

4. Offer New Services

Another great way to grow your massage therapy practice is to offer new services. This could be anything from adding a new type of massage to your service offerings to offering discounts for multiple sessions. If you’re not sure what new services to offer, try surveying your existing clients or conducting market research.

5. Expand Your Business

If you’re looking to really grow your business, you may want to consider expanding your operations. This could involve opening a new location, hiring additional staff, or offering mobile services. Expanding your business will undoubtedly require some additional financial investment, but it could be well worth it in the long run!


Setting goals is an important part of growing any business. As a massage therapist, there are a few key goals you should focus on, including increasing your clientele, growing your online presence, and expanding your business. Keep in mind that it takes time and effort to achieve success, but if you stay dedicated to your goals, you will eventually reach them!

If you need help achieving your business goals, consider hiring a business coach or joining a professional organization for massage therapists. Doing so will give you access to valuable resources and support as you strive to grow your practice.