MD Sheep & Wool Festival - May 2017

Skein & Garment Competition

Wool Hooking

Wool hooking technique using an original pattern and designs

H01 - Traditional

Harmony on the Pond

Best in Show

Designed and Hooked by Sharon K.

365 - A Year's Journey in Rug Hooking

Designed and Hooked by Pamela M.

Twists and Turns

Designed and Hooked by Pamela M.

Salt Water Cure

based on a quote by Isak Dinesen

Designed and Hooked by Diana K.

Wool hooking technique using bought patterns, kits or preprinted designs

H04 - Traditional

Lion and the Lamb

Designed by Leonard Feenan

Hooked by Sharon K.

Lima #1195

Designed by Jane McGown Flynn

Hooked by Ginny F.


Designed by Pris Butler

Hooked by Ginny F.


Hooked by Cathy S.

Wool hooking technique using bought patterns, kits or preprinted designs

H05 - Punch Needle

Floral Bouquet

Designed by Jane McGown Flynn and Pearl McGown

Punch Needle Hooked by Judy S.


McAdoo Rug Design

Punch Needle Hooked by Judy S.

Other Techniques

T01 - Rugs - using any techniques mentioned throughout; small, medium and large

Prodded Floral Mat

Hooked by Diana K.