Why Maru-Jan?

To get some things right out of the way, some difficulties with Maru-Jan:

  • One thing that will probably be the biggest turn off compared to a client like Tenhou is that tables are pay per game. If you are a beginner without a grasp of the rules of the game, I advise holding off on using this client. There is only one queue that is intended for beginners, and it is for Tonpuusen (East only) games . Every other queue will match you randomly, meaning it is easy to enter into a game with players way above your skill level which can compound frustration when you are paying per game.
  • Most of the daily events on Maru-Jan take place in a very limited window, 2000-0000 JST or 8pm to midnight. Depending on your time zone, this can make it incredibly difficult to participate in them.

Now, the reasons I feel that Maru-Jan is a client that is worth your time:

  • Pay-to-play tables introduce stakes to the game, which can heighten excitement and simultaneously teach you to be a better player.
  • There are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly events on top of League play and a Tournament qualifier event. Most of these events overlap your regular games, so you don't have to go out of your way to indulge in them, just play normally. The events themselves are varied enough so that even though you're not going out of your way to enter them, keeping track of them is fun and an enjoyable extra to playing regular games!
  • Maru-Jan has many ranking systems and incredibly robust metrics tracking, so you can monitor your improvement both on the surface and in depth
  • Maru-Jan has a fully integrated mobile client for iOS and Android to enjoy on the go!