Maru-Jan Pro League

Biweekly Event - Short Term Skill Evaluation - Skill Based - Entry Fee 50pts or 50chp - Compensation at 1000y

"The best metric of skill on the server. Can you climb to the top? Can you stay there?"

This is Maru-Jan's league feature, and I personally feel like it's the best league feature in all the clients i've played so far. There are 10 levels of league play, from D2 to S1. League play lasts for 2 weeks, so in that time period you must play your league games. League games are more costly on the surface, but there is a point return based on your placing. 1st gets all 200, 2nd 100, 3rd 50, and last 0.

League Regulation Games

In D2 and D1, you play 6 league games. In C2 and C1, you play 10 league games. In all other leagues you play 12. If you do not finish playing your league games, your final score will be reduced -20. The results of these games are the brunt of your league score, so only play them when you are confident in your play. One foul game can mean the difference between promotion and relegation.

Your TOTAL league score is the total score of your league games (scored like most regular games, East-South 25000 start 30000 return, +20 oka +10/+5/-5/-10 uma) plus 3% of your total PURSUIT score, which are games that you play in addition to your league quota (i imagine to get enough people playing league games so people can meet their quotas). The next 100 games with positive results are added to your pursuit totals. This can help if you're on the bubble or if you are trying to place in the top for point rewards.

So for example, Let's say i'm in C2, and i play 20 games total in the league. My first 10 don't go so great and i score +28, but my second 10 go AMAZING and i'm +200! Unfortunately, I only score 3% of those 200, or 6 points, meaning my league score is +28+6, or 34pts total. That's still pretty good, likely enough to at least advance into the next league. If you can end your league games plus, you generally have a pretty great shot until you enter the higher leagues. You can take a look at what the top 10 in the league are and see if it's worth it to play pursuit games and increase your total to try and come in the top 10, where there are point payouts. League games are also nice because unless you come in last, you are paying the same or less for East-South games (1st is still free, 2nd is paying only 50/game, and 3rd is the same rate as a regular East-South game). You cannot combine League and Tournament Qualifying play.

Promotion, Relegation, and Prizes

After the period of two weeks ends, you are promoted, demoted, or stay in the same league. You can't be promoted from S1 and you can't get demoted from D2 obviously. For the "lower" end of the league D2-C1, 50% get promted, 20% stay, and 30% get relegated. the upper league reverses this, where 30% get promoted, 20% stay, and 50% get relegated. If you scored in the top 10 in the league you get a point purse.

Online Mahjong Pro

If you at ANY point get promoted to A2, then buckle up buckaroo, because you are now a CERTIFIED, SANCTIONED, BONAFIDE ONLINE MAHJONG PRO!!!! This distinction comes with significant benefits. First, you get a special certificate verifying your utter pro-ness. You can actually get it officially delivered to your real address. I don't know if this works when you are overseas but i don't see why it wouldn't, it's just a certificate and Signal Talk seem pretty cool. Maybe one of you can get to this level and let me know. Second, you get a special title to display, but you lose the right to display it if you get relegated to B1 or lower. Third, and probably most importantly, you get a league stipend of 1000pts every league session (2 weeks), and a special background around your display name for as long as you are in the A2 league or higher. As an ONLINE MAHJONG PRO, regular players will earn a bonus flag for coming 1st in a game you're involved in.

Mahjong Highest Ranked Battle

While playing in your regular league games, you are also participating in a sort of Super League with higher prizes available. The Mahjong Highest Ranked Battle takes place over 6 League periods (or 3 months). Your total League scores are added over the 6 session period, and the highest scores are paid out, depending if you're in the lower or upper leagues. You are ranked based on what strata of league you were in the longest in the 3 month period. In addition to a point payout, the winner of the upper league Mahjong Highest Ranked Battle will also receive a tournament belt, and a special color around their name on the league leader boards, and their username FOREVER IMMORTALIZED in the Highest Ranked Battle hall of fame on the Maru-Jan website. You can check your overall progress for Mahjong Highest Ranked Battle on the same page you check your current league status.