Events of Maru-Jan

The events that take place on Maru-Jan are basically the reason one would take interest in the client. There are several events going on at any given moment. Some are timed events with a specific goal to meet, others are much more causal, with a time frame of months or years to complete. Some require an ingame fee to participate, and some are easy ways to score free points to play. Maru-Jan classifies events based on their duration, the type of event they are, and the skill required to participate in them.

Most events pay out in points and titles, as there is no mahjong gacha or any other premium award in Maru-Jan. According to Signal Talk, the law requires people receiving most of these point awards to have spent a certain amount of money on the game. In the description of the events, the amount of money needed to be spent on the client will be noted as Compensation at x, where x is the amount of yen (obviously not always the same in whatever currency you're coming from) to recieve point prizes.

I will not be translating event information for the Mahjong National Tournament Qualifiers or the Mondo GP Qualifiers, as both of these events require eventual in-real-life play that is not available to anyone who needs this guide to use the service. I believe it is in our best interest to simply leave these events alone and not complicate things.