Maria L. Loureiro

Professor of University of Santiago de Compostela

Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis at the University of  Santiago de Compostela. 
Faculty of Economic Sciences 

Recent Events


"Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals"

The Scientific Partners of BIOECON are pleased to announce the Twenty-fourth International BIOECON Conference on the theme of “Biodiversity, Finance and Economy”. The Conference will be held at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on 31st August – 1st September 2023. BIOECON XXIII will be of interest to both researchers and policymakers working on issues associated with finance and economics and their impact on biodiversity.

Conference keynote speakers will be Professor Erin Sills (NC State University) and Rashid Sumaila (U. British Columbia).

In addition to the conference theme, BIOECON XXIV aims to have parallel sessions on a broad range of topics within the umbrella of biodiversity economics and the sustainable develppment goals, including: marine and ocean economics, the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in economic development, plant genetic resources and food security issues, deforestation and development, fisheries, institutions and instruments (e.g. Payments for Ecosystem Services), development and conservation, wildlife conservation and endangered species, international trade and regulation and climate change. Further, biodiversity finance, risk assessment and corporate disclosure, corporate governance structure and process, organisational change, valuation and investor behaviour are highly welcomed for submission. For a flavour of previous conferences go to this link

The event can be viewed here

España 2050

At an event held at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Sánchez announced the first step in this project: the study "Fundamentos e propostas para unha estratexia nacional a longo prazo" ("Principles and proposals for a long term national strategy), which was drawn up by a hundred researchers of recognised prestige and from various academic disciplines.  The coordination was carried out by the National Foresight and Strategy Office and supported by organisations such as AIReF, the Bank of Spain and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

According to the head of the Executive, this study "puts all its knowledge at the disposition of Spanish society to help it broaden its horizons and design a better strategy for the long term". To this end, it offers us "a rigorous and holistic diagnosis of the challenges that Spain will face, not only today, but also in the medium and long term, analysing the possible risks and also the opportunities that could be generated by megatrends such as climate change, demographic change or the digital transformation" and, on the other hand, "shows us our potential as a country".

The presentation ceremony was attended by the President, Pedro Sánchez; the Vice-President of the European Commission for Institutional Relations and Foresight, Maroš Šefčovič of Slovakia; the Director of the National Office of Foresight and Strategy, Diego Rubio; the professor and co-author of the study, María Loureiro; and two representatives of civil society, Marta Borrell, a secondary school student, and María José Jiménez, a retired person who works as a volunteer in various social projects.

IEB seminar: “Climate Change on Twitter before and after COVID-19: A cross-country comparison between Spanish and English speaking countries”

Maria Loureiro, Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, presented the preliminary results of the study "Climate change on Twitter before and after COVID-19: a cross country comparison between Spanish and English speaking countries" as part of the visiting professors programme of the Chair in Energy Sustainability.

XVI Simposio Nacional y  VIII Internacional de Valuación Rural

Media Coverage

Madrid (EuroEFE).- El lavado verde o «greenwashing» de muchas empresas que se anuncian como sostenibles cuando no lo son es un «problema muy grave», en el cual «el regulador tiene que entrar de forma muy seria, muy estricta para mandar un mensaje claro a los consumidores», ha asegurado a EFE la economista ambiental María Loureiro García.

The valuation of the environmental damages caused by the Prestige was carried out by María Loureiro in collaboration with the prosecutor's office and defended in the trial for the damages caused by the Prestige in the Provincial Court of A Coruña on May 20th, 2013.

This was the first time in Spain, where a court admitted as a proof a report on damages to natural resources valued using techniques from environmental economics.

More news

«Que teñamos auga fainos moi fortes no contexto do cambio climático» - 05.12.2019

A investigadora da USC, María Loureiro, di que Galicia é un bo exemplo de bioeconomía. Asegura que a nosa comunidade ten moito que gañar porque se a temperatura sube dous graos, non haberá moitos lugares con tanta auga dispoñible. Por iso, Loureiro urxe a tomar medidas de mitigación e adaptación para ter unha posición de vantaxe no futuro. Aposta pola educación e a solidariedade, pero advirte que se o mundo non é quen de facer unha transición ecolóxica, o cambio de modelo virá pola forza, pagando por contaminar

La sexta gran extinción de especies amenaza también la economía global - 08.05.2019

El organismo internacional insta a los países a revertir la reducción de la biodiversidad y advierte de que la naturaleza aporta 125 billones de euros a la economía mundial

As perdas pola vaga de incendios de 2017, máis do que se pensaba: 156 millóns de euros só en Pontevedra - 11.10.2018

Economistas presentan as súas estimacións, conservadoras, sobre o impacto económico dos lumes en Pontevedra a mediados de outubro do pasado ano. A cifra de perdas para esta provincia xa supera en 6 millóns os cálculos que fixo Abanca para toda Galicia e representa o 78% do custo que calculou o profesor da Universidade de Santiago Agustín Merino para todo o país, que cifrou nuns 200 millóns. Ante estes datos, as axudas das administracións semellan insuficientes.


Los incendios cuestan entre 360 y 488 millones al año en Galicia, en extinción, pérdidas y servicios ambientales - 21.10.2017

Así se extrae de un estudio realizado por las profesoras María L. Loureiro y Melina Barrio, que en 2009 cifraron entre el 0,62 y el 0,84% del PIB gallego el coste económico de los fuegos.  

Un trabajo sobre las causas de los incendios gana el premio Paz Andrade - 14.11.2014

El premio de investigación en economía de Galicia Valentín Paz Andrade ha recaído este año en el trabajo «Estudio de la causalidad de los incendios forestales en Galicia», del que son autores Jesús Barreal, María L. Loureiro y Juan Picos. El jurado ha considerado que entre los 29 trabajos presentados este es el que presenta «unha maior relevancia para o progreso do coñecemento da realidade socioeconómica» de la comunidad y «fará posible, por medio das políticas defendidas, unha mellor asignación de recursos e un maior impulso ao coñecemento», según el acta del galardón. 

En la Reserva del Eo quieren más salmones pero dicen no a los lobos - 08.05.2009

Mucho turismo, pero poco negocio - 22.03.2009

Los incendios del 2006 costaron a Galicia entre 248 y 336 millones - 13.03.2009

«Si tenemos una buena estimación, podemos guiar futuras políticas» - 13.03.2009

Un estudio dice que la economía gallega perdió entre 248 y 336 millones por los incendios de 2006 - 12.03.2009

A natureza, obxecto de estudo para a economía ambiental - 07.10.2008


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