

Mesa redonda en el Instituto Francés sobre el cambio climático

"Miradas cruzadas sobre el cambio climático"

IGFAE workshop 

on technologies and applied research at the future Galician proton-therapy facility


Tenth IAERE Annual Conference

21-23 April 2022, Cagliari

Sensing climate change and energy transition issues with social big data

   Loureiro, Maria. Professor, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

XXIII ANNUAL BIOECON CONFERENCE ON: “Biodiversity, Finance and Economy”

4th - 6th September 2022

University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Environmental and cultural ecosystem services valuation in postfire risk assessments.

   Loureiro, Maria. Professor, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

EAERE 27th Annual Conference

Maria Loureiro was organiser and moderator of the EAERE 27th Annual Conference

Mechanisms for Additional Forest Management Carbon Sequestration  

1 July 2022 - Forestry 3

PRESENTER: Jussi Lintunen

DISCUSSANT: Loureiro, Maria. Professor, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

A Bayesian Adaptative Choice Design Approach for Valuing Post-Fire Interventions 

1 July 2022 - Forestry 3

PRESENTER: Loureiro, Maria. Professor, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 

DISCUSSANT: Giulia Vaglietti.

Temporal Dynamics of Willingness-to-pay and Environmental Preferences: Oil Spill Prevention in the Oslo Fjord 

30 June 2022 - Egg-timer Session 4 

Presenter: Martin Ørbeck, Vista Analyse 


Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Conference 2021

1-03 August 2021 - Austin, Texas  

Participant in the Organized Symposia "Food Markets and COVID-19: An International Perspective" 

EAERE 26th Annual Conference

Maria Loureiro was a member of the scientific committee of the EAERE 26th Annual Conference

THEMATIC SESSION: Estimating the welfare impacts of marine litter with stated preferences  

23 – 25 June, 2021  - Organised online

Organizers: Mr. King, Peter, Ms Khedr, Dr. Grilli, Loureiro, Maria, Dr. Hynes, Luisetti, Tiziana, 

Presentation: Assessing fishermen’s preferences for a “fishing for litter” program in galicia (NW Spain). 

24 June, 2021  - Organised online

Maria L. Loureiro

Presenter: Maria L. Loureiro, Faculty of Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain 

Keynote by Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Social Cost of Carbon 

25 June, 2021  - Organised online

The session is hosted by Maria Loureiro. 

EAERE Award for ERC Grants laureates in the field of environmental and resource economics 2021 

25 June, 2021  - Organised online

The award session is chaired by Maria Loureiro.  


 17 Sept 2020 - Organised online

Organized by: Chair of Energy Sustainability

More info on: Institut d'Economia de Barcelona - Universitat de Barcelona

IEB Seminar

Climate Change on Twitter before and after COVID-19: A cross-country comparison between Spanish and English speaking countries

Maria Loureiro, Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, presented the preliminary results of the study "Climate change on Twitter before and after COVID-19: a cross country comparison between Spanish and English speaking countries" as part of the visiting professors programme of the Chair in Energy Sustainability.

The aim of this research is to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed perceptions of climate change. Through analysis of feelings expressed through twitter in English and Spanish speaking countries, the study examines cultural differences towards perceptions of climate change and compares the results obtained with other surveys and preference studies. Preliminary results indicate that the climate debate is changing after COVID-19 with more negative sentiment being observed. Future work will involve assessing how these feelings may (or may not) be translated into public policy action

XVI Simposio Nacional y  VIII Internacional de Valuación Rural

Valoración de Daños Económicos ocurridos por incendios

August 27-29, 2020 - Organised online

Keynote Speech

La conferencia puede reproducirse en diferido en YouTube

EAERE 25th Annual Conference

Maria Loureiro was a member of the scientific committee of the EAERE 25th Annual Conference

THEMATIC SESSION: Using big data for ecosystem service valuation and preference assessment. 

23 Jun - 03 Jul 2020 - Organised online

Organizers: Michael Sinclair, Andrea Ghermandi1 and Maria L. Loureiro

Content: This session is a follow up to the EAERE 2019 session also entitled “Using Big Data for Ecosystem Service Valuation and Preference Assessment” organized by Maria L. Loureiro. 

The session aims to provide a venue for studies that use social media and other forms of big data for the assessment of human-nature interactions. Georeferenced social media data are an already extensive and rapidly growing source of data with the potential to become a game changer for the exploration of human-nature interactions, particularly for the (e)valuation of recreational benefits and, more broadly, other cultural ecosystem services due to the low cost, availability at wide spatial scales, and widespread use. The development of this field may well play a vital role in understanding how humans’ value, interact and perceive the natural environment, offering a substitute/complimentary data source to integrate into the present suite of (e)valuation options available to researchers and policy makers. The session contains five state of the art papers describing recent applications of using big data to explore human-nature interactions.

Moderators: Andrea Ghermandi and Maria L. Loureiro

Presentation: Stated Preferences toward Climate Change based on Sentiment and Emotion Analysis with Social Media in the U.K. and Spain

Organised online

Maria L. Loureiro and Maria Alló 

Presenter: Maria L. Loureiro, Faculty of Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain 

Abstract: In this paper we assess the sentiments and emotions related to climate change in the U.K. and Spain during the first six months of 2019. In doing so, we analyze Twitter conversations related to climate change occurring in both countries, using natural language processing (NLP) tools. We find that conversations in the U.K. (Spain) are more positive (negative) towards this topic; whereas the most evoked feeling in the U.K. (Spain) is anticipation (fear). Such results show quite different and heterogeneous views about climate change in two Western European countries. Information of this type may be relevant in order to understand public reactions and preferences towards mitigation and adaptation policies across countries. Our results complement and correspond quite well with those previously published in European surveys. We advocate the use of social media in order to assess sentiment and emotion analysis in close to real time events or manifestation of opinions, not properly covered by official statistics. 


EAERE 24th Annual Conference

THEMATIC SESSION: Using big data for ecosystem service valuation and preference assessment. 

Manchester, UK, 26 Jun - 29 Jun. 2019

Organizer(s): Maria Loureiro, University Santiago de Compostela 

Chair: Ian Bateman, University of East Anglia 

Big data, including online social media data, represent an extensive source of environmental variables, behavioural data, and attitudes not yet fully explored. The integration of this information with nonmarket valuation techniques, such as contingent valuation or the travel cost method provides opportunities to complement survey-based investigations and, potentially, creates an alternative to benefit transfer techniques. In addition, the access to real time data allows for quick assessments of interventions which can be quite useful for decision making. This session contains three papers describing recent applications of big data in the area of valuation of ecosystem services and preference assessment, and should contribute to debate among academics and policymakers. 

Comparing Sentiment Analysis Results from Twitter Conversations across countries. Maria Loureiro, University Santiago de Compostela; Maria Alló, University A Coruña 

POLICY SESSION: Advancing Economics In Global Policy Discussions

Manchester, UK, 26 Jun - 29 Jun. 2019

Organizer(s): Kevin Boyle, Virginia Tech

Chair: Maria Loureiro, University Santiago de Compostela

Important environmental issues facing society such as climate change are global in nature and do respect neither geopolitical boundaries nor domains such as AFAERE, AERE, EAAERE, EARE, and LAERE. At the same tie, some populist political regimes around the world are rolling back key environmental policies, and communicating the relevance of concepts such as cap and trade and nonuse values to lay decisionmakers is challenging. This session will explore how environmental economists can collaborate across disciplinary foci and geopolitical boundaries to advance efficient policies that can be harmonised across regions. One approach that will be discussed is assembling ad hoc teams to write white papers, an approach successfully instituted by the Urban Land Institute. The panel will discuss the development of a road map of collaboration to provide economic insights to address regional and global environmental concerns.

Panelist(s) – left to right in picture:Rodrigo Arriagada, Pontifica Catholic University of Chile – President, Latin American Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsKevin Boyle, Virginia Tech, USA – Fellow, Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsWisdom Akpalu, UNU – WIDER, Ghana – President, Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsChristian Gollier, Toulouse School of Economics, France – President Elect, European Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsDaniel Phaneuf, University of Wisconsin, USA – President, Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsMaria Loureiro, University Santiago de Compostela, Spain – Vice President, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

5th International Future Circular Collider (FCC) Conference

Organized by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Rethinking the public value of science

Brussels, Belgium, 24 jun - 28 jun, 2019

Invited Keynote Speaker

Seminario CEIGRAM

Using Social Big Data for Ecosystem Service Valuation and Preference Assessment

Madrid, Spain, 13 March, 2019 

The present work aims to compare the content of unsolicited Twitter conversations with opinion surveys related to climate change in English and Spanish speaking countries. During 2018, all tweets related to climate change have been collected in both languages. Such large dataset has been augmented with relevant information related to the location of the Twitter account holder; including average income levels of holders by geographical area, and gender. Further, real time climate data have been collected for all locations of conversation, including outside temperatures, precipitation levels, and presence of storms and hurricanes.

In terms of preferences and awareness towards climate change, results have been obtained with the hedonometer tool, which generates a synthetic index constructed by scoring the level of happiness provided by each word in each conversation related to the climate change debate. These indexes are being constructed per country, and allow for international comparisons about concerns towards climate change.

Overall, results show that social media analysis can provide a significant amount of information somewhat comparable to opinion surveys. In particular, it shows that: a) climate change is a global topic, with conversations spreading around the globe; b) there is a prevalence of conversations in areas affected by extreme events or climate episodes, providing evidence that people act as censors, with sentiments related to their own experiences; c) Concerns vary and are expressed in terms of the lack of instruments by current governments or the lack of economic resources to fight the climate problem.

Thus, social media data can be useful to assess preferences and complement stated preference analysis.

Workshop: Developments in Energy Economics

Exploring Energy Use in Fashion Stores: A Field Experiment

Madrid, Spain, 25 Feb, 2019 

Invited Keynote Speaker

Optimizing energy use is a growing concern in the commercial sector, particularly for fashion retailers due to its relevance within total expenses and the increasing scrutiny of environmental performance indicators in the textile industry. In this paper we conduct a field experiment (randomized control trial) in a major multinational company to test how information provided to store managers about the environmental impacts of energy use induces changes in selected temperatures within an automated technical platform. Based on a field experiment conducted in 155 stores located in three countries, our results show that managers receiving the information treatment are more likely to change the thermostat manually to reduce the gap between indoor and outdoor temperatures; this is consistent with a more sustainable pattern of heating and cooling. 

VII International Academic Symposium: 

Smart Energy Systems from a New Energy Policy Approach

Comparing sentiment analysis results about climate change between Twitter conversations and stated preference surveys

 Barcelona Science Park, 5 Feb, 2019

The conference can be replayed on YouTube

AARES Annual Conference

Credence goods in food demand

Melbourne, Australia, 13 - 15 Feb, 2019

Keynote Speech.


Loureiro, M.,  Caballé, J., De La Fuente, A. (2018). Mesa Redonda: Cambio climático e innovación en el crecimiento económico. Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid, Spain. 7 November, 2018.

Loureiro, M. (2018). Keynote Speech. Climate Change and the Energy Paradox: Lessons obtained from Big Data. 3rd APEEN conference & 5th Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics in Braga, Portugal, 18 and 19 October, 2018. 

Loureiro, M. (2018). Assesing preferences for wildfire prevention policies in Spain. XX Annual Bioecon Conference: Land-use, Agriculture and Biodiversity: Spatial and Temporal Issues in King’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 12 – 14 September, 2018.

Loureiro, M. (2018). Welcome Speaker. AERNA Conference and Workshop on international environmental agreements in Madrid, Spain, 3 – 5 September, 2018.

Labandeira, X. and Loureiro M., (2018). Fostering energy efficiency in fashion retailers: a field experiment. 8th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics in A Toxa, Galicia, Spain, 21 and 22 June, 2018

Loureiro, M., and  Rahmani, D., (2017). Are drivers of larger cars less environmentally sensitive? Evidence from Spain. the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists in Athens, 28 June – 1 July 2017.

Loureiro, M., (2016). Promoting Conservation in Shellfish Fisheries: The Role of Economic Incentives and Social Norms. 18th Annual Bioecon Conference Instruments and Incentive Mechanisms  for Biodiversity Conservation  and Ecosystem Service Provision 14-16 September 2016 Kings College, Cambridge United Kingdom.

Loureiro, ML., Labanderia, X., (2016) Energy efficiency in the retail sector: A field experiment in Europe. Séptimo Workshop Atlántico sobre Economía Energética y Ambiental, A Toxa (Galicia). Junio 2016.

Loureiro, ML., Alló, M. (2016) Are principles of collective action being applied in forest management? VII AERNA Conference, Aveiro, Portugal.  5-7 Septiembre.

Alló, M., Loureiro, ML (2016) Sharing rules in collective forest management. 22 nd EAERE Conference. Zurich, Suiza, 22-25 Junio.

Alló, M., Loureiro, ML (2016) Promoting conservation in shellfish fisheries: the impact of poaching on time preferences. VII AERNA Conference, Aveiro, Portugal.  5-7 Septiembre.

Loureiro, ML., Alló, M. (2016) Sharing the Gains and Sharing the Pains in Collective Forest Management. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMBESS), Rome, 2016. 

Loureiro, ML., Alló, M. (2016) Promoting Conservation in Shellfish Fisheries: The Role of Economic Incentives and Social Norms. 18th Annual BIOECON Conference. 14-16 Septiembre. Cambridge, Reino Unido.

BIOECON, 13-15 September 2015. Cambridge, UK.

International Conference of Agricultural Economics, August 9 -14, 2015, Milan, Italy.

21th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 24-27 June 2015, Helsinki, Finland.

BIOECON, 21-23 September 2014. Cambridge, UK.

5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 28 June- 2 July 2014. Istanbul, Turkey.

VI AERNA Conference, 4-6 September 2014. Girona, Spain.

ENVECON, 15 March 2013, London, UK .

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2013 Annual Meeting, 4-6 August 2013. Washington, USA.

3rd Annual AERE Summer, 6-8 June 2013. Alberta, Canada.

20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 26-29 June 2013. Toulouse, France.

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 12-14 August 2012. Seattle, USA.

American Association for the Advance of Science, 16- 20 February 2012. Vancouver, Canada.

AERNA Congress of Environmental Economics, 31 May-2 June 2012. Faro, Portugal.

European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 27-30 June, 2012. Prague, Czech Republic.

VIII Congreso de Economía Agraria, 14-16 September, 2011. Madrid, Spain.

BIOECON, FEEM, 11-13 September 2011. Geneve, Switzerland.

Congress of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 29 June- 2 July 2011. Rome, Italy.

AERE Summer Meeting, 9-10 June 2011. Seattle,USA.

12th Ocassional Workshop of Environmental Economics, 12-13 November 2010. Santa Barbara, USA.

Congress of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 28 June – 2 July 2010. Montreal, Canada.

BIOECON, FEEM, 27-28 September 2010. Venice, Italy.

Congress of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 24- 27 June 2009. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

BIOECON, 28-30 September, 2008. Cambridge, UK.

American Agricultural Economists Association Meetings (AAEA), 1-4 August 2004. Denver, USA.

American Agricultural Economists Association Meetings (AAEA), 27- 30 July 2003. Montreal-Canada.

European Congress of Environmental Economics, 27-20 June 2003. Bilbao-Spain,

Western Agricultural Economists Association Meeting, (WAEA), 13-16 July 2003. Denver, USA.

Food Labeling Conference (FASMP), March 2003. Washington, USA.

Ecolabels and the Greening of the Food Market Conference in Boston, November, 2002. Massachusetts, USA.

The European Congress of Agricultural Economics, 28-31 August 2002. Zaragoza, Spain.

University of Colorado (UC) Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop. 15-16 July 2002. Boulder, Colorado.

American Agricultural Economists Association Meetings (AAEA), 28-31 July 2002. Long Beach, USA.

American Agricultural Economists Association Meetings (AAEA), 5-8 August 2001. Chicago, USA.

American Agricultural Economists Association Meetings (AAEA ) 30 July- 2 August 2000. Tampa, USA.

Western American Agricultural Association Meetings (WAEA), 28- 31 July 2002. Long Beach, USA.

Western American Agricultural Association Meetings (WAEA), 8-11 July 2001. Utah, USA.

Western American Agricultural Association Meetings (WAEA), 29 Junes- 1 July 2000. Vancouver, Canada.

Luncheon Awards Invited Speaker, FDRS Conference, October 2001. Arizona, USA