All related Press Releases and Scientific Highlights in PDF form available here.

A. Peer Reviewed Publications (PDFs available here

Α.1 Publications related to Biochemistry-Structural Biology and X-ray Powder Diffraction Method Development for the Structural Characterization of Microcrystalline Proteins.

1.Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study of Turkey egg-white Lysozyme”, Acta Cryst. D61, 423-432 (2005) & ESRF Scientific Highlights, p. 30-31 (2004), I. Margiolaki*, J. P. Wright*, A. N. Fitch, G. C. Fox & R. B. Von Dreele (article available online). Cover of the British Crystallographic Association News (2004).

2.High Throughput Phase Diagram Mapping via Powder Diffraction: A case-study of HEWL versus pH.”, Acta Cryst. D 61, 1612-1625 (2005), S. Basso, A. N. Fitch, G. C. Fox, I. Margiolaki* & J. P. Wright* (article available online).

3.Successful protein cryocooling for powder diffraction.”, J. Appl. Cryst. 40, 121 (2007), M. Jenner, J. P. Wright*, I. Margiolaki and A. N. Fitch (article available online)

4. "Powder diffraction studies for proteins: An overview of data collection approaches", Invited Review Article associated with the EPDIC Young Scientist Award 2006, (Related ESRF article). Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 26, 1-13 (2007), I. Margiolaki*, J. P. Wright, A. N. Fitch, G. C. Fox, A. Labrador, R. B. Von Dreele, K. Miura, F. Gozzo, M. Schiltz, C. Besnard, F. Camus, P. Pattison, D. Beckers, T. Degen (article available online).

5.Second SH3 domain of ponsin solved from powder diffraction.”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 11865 (2007) & ESRF Press release. I. Margiolaki*, J. P. Wright, M. Wilmanns, A. N. Fitch & N. Pinotsis* (article available online).

6.Molecular envelopes derived from X-ray diffraction on polycrystalline protein powders.”, J. Appl. Cryst. 41, 329-339 (2008) & ESRF Scientific Highlights, p. 61-62 (2006), J. P. Wright, C. Besnard, I. Margiolaki, S. Basso, F. Camus, A. N. Fitch, G. Fox, P. Pattison, M. Schiltz (article available online).

7. "Powder Crystallography on Macromolecules", Acta Cryst. A64, 169-180 (2008). I. Margiolaki* & J. P. Wright*, Invited Review Article for Special Issue of International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)[3]

8.Polymorphism of microcrystalline Urate Oxidase from Aspergillus flavus”, Acta Cryst. D 66, 539-548 (2010), I. Collings, Y. Watier, M. Giffard, S. Dagogo, R. Kahn, F. Bonnete, J. P. Wright, A. N. Fitch, I. Margiolaki*[4] (article available online). ESRF press release.

9.Features of the Secondary Structure of the Protein Molecule from Powder Diffraction data”, Acta Cryst. D 66, 756-761 (2010)- Cover article, S. Basso, C. Besnard, J. P. Wright, I. Margiolaki, A. N. Fitch, P. Pattison, M. Sciltz (article available online).

10. “Structural studies of human insulin co-crystallized with phenol or resorcinol via powder diffraction.”, Acta Cryst. D68, 1632-1641 (2012), F. Karavassili, A. E. Giannopoulou, E. Kotsiliti, L. Knight, M. Norrman, G. Schluckebier, L. Drube, A. N. Fitch, J. P. Wright & I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

11.X-ray resonant powder diffraction”, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 208, 275–289 (2012) – Invited Review article, H. Palancher, S. Bos, J.F. Berar, I. Margiolaki & J. L. Hodeau.

12. “High-resolution powder X-ray data reveal the T6 hexameric form of bovine insulin.”, Acta Cryst. D69, 978-990 (2013), I. Margiolaki*, A. E. Giannopoulou, J. P. Wright, L. Knight, M. Norrman, G. Schluckebier, A. N. Fitch & R. B. Von Dreele (article available online).

13. "NMR study of non-structural proteins—part I: 1H, 13C, 15N backbone and side-chain resonance assignment of macro domainfrom Mayaro virus (MAYV)" Biomolecular NMR Assignments 9, 1, 191–195 (2015), E. Melekis, A. C. Tsika, J. Lichière, C. T. Chasapis, I. Margiolaki, N. Papageorgiou, B. Coutard, D. Bentrop, G. A. Spyroulias (article available online).

14.Novel crystalline phase and first-order phase transitions of human insulin complexed with two distinct phenol derivatives”, Acta Cryst. D71, 819-828 (2015), A. Valmas, K. Magiouf, S. Fili, M. Norrman, G. Schluckebier, D. Beckers, T. Degen, J. P. Wright, A. Fitch, F. Gozzo, A. E. Giannopoulou, F. Karavassili & I. Margiolaki* (article available online). 

15.Human insulin polymorphism upon ligand binding and pH variation: the case of 4-ethylresorcinol”, IUCrJ. 4, 2:534-44 (2015) – open access, S. Fili, A. Valmas, M. Norrman, G. Schluckebier, D. Beckers, T. Degen, J. P. Wright, A. Fitch, F. Gozzo, A. E. Giannopoulou, F. Karavassili & I. Margiolaki*. 

16.Macromolecular Powder Diffraction: Ready for Genuine Biological Problems”, Protein & Peptide Letters, 23 (3):232-41 (2016) - Invited review article, F. Karavassili & I. Margiolaki*. 

17.Coxsackievirus B3 protease 3C: expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary structural insights”, Acta Cryst. F72, 877-884 (2016), S. Fili, A. Valmas, M. Christopoulou, M. Spiliopoulou, N. Nikolopoulos, J. Lichiere, S. Logotheti, F. Karavassili, E. Rosmaraki, A. Fitch, J. Wright, D. Beckers, T. Degen, G. Nenert, R. Hilgenfeld, N. Papageorgiou, B. Canard, B. Coutard & I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

18.In Quest for Improved Drugs against Diabetes: The Added Value of X-ray Powder Diffraction Methods” (Invited review article for Biomolecules: Special Issue “Protein Crystallography”), Biomolecules 2017, 7 (3), 63 (OPEN ACCESS), F. Karavassili, A. Valmas, S. Fili, C. Georgiou & I. Margiolaki*.

19. "Dengue Virus 3 NS5 methyltransferase domain: expression, purification, crystallization and first structural data from microcrystalline specimens.", Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials 2017, 233 (5), 309-316  (Available online), A. Valmas , S. Fili, N. Nikolopoulos, M. Spiliopoulou, M. Christopoulou, F. Karavassili, C. Kosinas, K. Bastalias, E. Rosmaraki, J. Lichiére, A. Fitch, D. Beckers, T. Degen, N. Papageorgiou , B. Canard, B. Coutard & I. Margiolaki*.

20. "In situ detection of a novel lysozyme monoclinic crystal form upon controlled relative humidity variation." Journal of Applied Crystallography 2018, 51, 1-13 (article available online), S. Trampari,  A. Valmas,  S. Logotheti,  S. Saslis,  S. Fili,  M. Spiliopoulou,  D. Beckers,  T. Degen,  G. Nenert,  A. Fitch,  M. Calamiotou,  F. Karavassili and  I. Margiolaki*.

21. "Revisiting the structure of a synthetic Somatostatin analogue for peptide drug design." Acta Cryst. B75, 611-620 (2019): Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials (article available online) S. Fili,  A. Valmas,  M. Spiliopoulou,  P. Kontou,  A. Fitch,  D. Beckers,  T. Degen,  Kl. Barlos*,  K. Barlos,  F. Karavassili and  I. Margiolaki*.

22. "Unit Cell Response of Tetragonal Hen-Egg White Lysozyme upon Controlled Relative Humidity Variation." Journal of Applied Crystallography 52, 816-822 (2019) (article available online), S. Logotheti,  A. Valmas,  S. Trampari,  S. Fili,  S. Saslis,  M. Spiliopoulou,  D. Beckers,  T. Degen,  G. Nenert ,  A. Fitch,  F. Karavassili and  I. Margiolaki*.

23. "Applications of X-ray Powder Diffraction in Protein Crystallography and Drug Screening ." Crystals 10, 54 (2020) (Invited review article for Crystals Special Issue "Crystallization under special and physical environments"), M. Spiliopoulou, A. Valmas, D. P. Triandafillidis, C. Kosinas, A. Fitch, F. Karavassili and I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

24. "Exploring the complex map of insulin polymorphism:  A novel crystalline form in the presence of m-Cresol.." Acta Cryst. D76, 4, 375-384 (2020), F. Karavassili,  A. Valmas,  M. Dimarogona,  A. E.  Giannopoulou,  S. Fili,  M. Norrman,  G. Schluckebier,  D. Beckers,  A. N.  Fitch and  I.  Margiolaki* (article available online).

25. "Rapid screening of in cellulo grown protein crystals via a small-angle X-ray scattering/X-ray powder diffraction synergistic approach." Journal of Applied Crystallography 53, 1169-1180 (2020) & Cover article, J. M. Lahey-Rudolph, R. Schonherr, C. Michael Jeffries, C. E. Blanchet, J. Boger, A. S. Ferreira Ramos, W. M. Riekehr, D. P. Triandafillidis, A. Valmas, I. Margiolaki, D. Svergun and L. Redecke* (article available online) & Scientific Commentary by T. Bergfors & S. Mayumdar.

26. "Brothers in Arms: Structure, Assembly and Function of Arenaviridae Nucleoprotein." Viruses 12, 772 (2020), N. Papageorgiou, M. Spiliopoulou, T. Van Nguyen, A. Vaitsopoulou, E. Yekwa Laban, K. Alvarez, I. Margiolaki, B. Canard and F. Ferron* (article available onlne).

27. "Insulin polymorphism induced by two polyphenols: New crystal forms and advances in macromolecular powder diffraction." Acta Cryst. D76, 1065-1079 (2020), D. Triandafillidis,  N. Parthenios,  M. Spiliopoulou,  A. Valmas,  F. Gozzo,  M. Reinle-Schmitt,  D. Beckers,  T. Degens,  M. Pop,  A. N.  Fitch,  J. Wollenhaupt,  M. S.  Weiss,  F. Karavassili and  I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

28. "Rietveld refinement for macromolecular powder diffraction." Crystal Growth and Design 20, 12, 8101–8123 (2020), Invited review article for the Virtual Special Issue entitled “The Rietveld Refinement Method – Half of a Century Anniversary.” M. Spiliopoulou, D. Triandafillidis, A. Valmas, C. Kosinas, A. N. Fitch, R. B. Von Dreele and I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

29. "New perspectives in macromolecular powder diffraction using single photon counting strip detectors: High resolution structure of the pharmaceutical peptide, Octreotide." Acta Cryst. A77, 186-195 (2021) & Cover article, M. Spiliopoulou, F. Karavassili, D. Triandafillidis, A. Valmas, C. Kosinas, K. Barlos, K. K. Barlos, M. Morin , M. L. Reinle-Schmitt, F. Gozzo* and I. Margiolaki* (article available online) & Scientific Highlights of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI- Switzerland).

30. "High throughput macromolecular polymorph screening via NMR and X-ray powder diffraction synergistic approach: The case of human insulin co-crystallized with resorcinol derivatives." J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 963-975 (2021)., M. Spiliopoulou, A. Valmas, D. Triandafillidis, S. Fili, M. Christopoulou, A. J. Filopoulou, A. Piskopou, P. Papadea, A. N. Fitch, D. Beckers, T. Degen, F. Gozzo, M. Morin, M. L. Reinle-Schmitt, F. Karavassili, E. Rosmaraki, C. T. Chasapis and I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

31. "The T2 structure of polycrystalline cubic human insulin." Acta Cryst. D. 79, 374-386 (2023) & Cover article, D. P. Triandafillidis, F. Karavassili, M. Spiliopoulou, A. Valmas, M. Athanasiadou, G. Nikolaras, S. Fili, P.i Kontou, M. W. Bowler, C. T. Chasapis, R. B. Von Dreele, A. N. Fitch and Ι. Margiolaki* (open access, article available online).

32. "Methods on LDL particle isolation, characterization and component fractionation for the development of novel specific oxidized LDL status markers for atherosclerotic disease risk assessment." Frontiers in Medicine, Section - Translational Medicine (published online 5/1/2023), doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1078492., P. Papadea, M. Skipitari, E. Kalaitzopoulou, A. Varemmenou, M. Spiliopoulou, M. Papasotiriou, E. Papachristou, D. Goumenos, A. Onoufriou, E. Rosmaraki, I. Ι. Margiolaki,  C. D. Georgiou (open access). 

33. "Structural evolution of the pharmaceutical peptide octreotide 2 upon controlled relative humidity and temperature variation." SynBio 2024, 2(2), 205-222 , M. Athanasiadou, C. Papaefthymiou, A. Kontarinis, M. Spiliopoulou, D. Koutoulas, M. Konstantopoulos, S. Kafetzi, K. Barlos, K. K. Barlos, N. Dadivanyan, D. Beckers, T. Degen, A. N. Fitch and I. Margiolaki* (open access). 

Α.2 Publications related to Method Development: Applications to Biochemistry and the Characterization of Structural and Dynamical Characteristics of Complex Materials.

1. Macromolecules, 34, 5295-5305 (2001), H. Retsos, I. Margiolaki, A. Messaritaki, S. H. Anastasiadis (article available online).

2. Physica B, 318, 372-377 (2002). I. Margiolaki, S. Margadona, K. Prassides, I. Tsilika, K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, T. J. S. Dennis, H. Shinohara (article available online).

3. Phys. Rev. B, 65, 184514-1:5 (2002), M. Pissas, G. Papavassiliou, M. Karayanni, M. Fardis, I. Maurin, I. Margiolaki, K. Prassides (article available online).

4. Journal of American Chemical Society, 124, 11288-11289, (2002). I.Margiolaki, S. Margadonna, K. Prassides, T. Hansen, K. Ishii and H. Suematsu. ILL-Grenoble Highlights, (article available online).

5. Physica B, 326, 572-576 (2003), J. Arvanitidis, K. Papagelis, T. Takenobu, I. Margiolaki, K. Brigatti, K. Prassides, Y. Iwasa and A. Lappas (article available online).

6. Physica B, 326, 346-349 (2003), K. Papagelis, J. Arvanitidis, I. Margiolaki, K. Brigatti, K. Prassides, A. Schenck, A. Lappas, A. Amato, Y. Iwasa and T. Takenobu (article available online).

7. J. Phys. Soc. Japan., 71, Suppl. 338-340, (2002), T. Muranaka, T. Yokoo, M. Arai, I. Margiolaki, K. Brigatti, K. Prassides, O. Petrenko, and J. Akimitsu (article available online).

8. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 6296-6301 (2004) & ESRF Scientific Highlights, p. 25-26 (2004), G. Ferey, C. Serre, C. Merlot-Draznieks, F. Millange, S. Surble, J. Dutour & I. Margiolaki (article available online).

9. Phys. Rev. B71, 220406(R)-1:4 (2005)- Rapid Communications, A. Bombardi, L.C. Chapon, I. Margiolaki, C. Mazzoli, F. Duc and P. G. Radaelli (article available online).

10. Phys. Rev. B72, 064425-1:15 (2005) & ESRF Scientific Highlights, M. Pissas, I. Margiolaki, G. Papavasiliou, D. Stamopoulos and D. Argyriou (article available online).

11. Phys. Rev. B72, 064426-1:10 (2005), M. Pissas, I. Margiolaki, K. Prassides and E. Suard (article available online).

12. J. Appl. Cryst.38, 906-911 (2005), J. Rius, I. Peral, I. Margiolaki & X. Torrelles (article available online).

13. J. Superconductivity 18, 737 (2005), V. Palmisano, S. Agrestini, G. Campi, M. Filippi, L. Simonelli, M. Fratini, A. Bianconi, S. De Negri, M. Giovannini, A. Saccone, A. N. Fitch, M. Brunelli, & I. Margiolaki (article available online).

14. Science 309, 2040-2042 (2005) [In Reports], G. Ferey, C. Merlot-Draznieks, C. Serre, F. Millange, J. Dutour, S. Surble & I. Margiolaki [5]. ESRF Press release; Materials Word Press release.

15. J. Solid State Chem. 179, 2443-2451 (2006), W. Slawinski, R. Przenioslo, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, I. Margiolaki, A. N. Fitch, & E. Suard (article available online).

16. Phys. Rev. B 74, 054406-1:10 (2006), C. Frontera, JL. Garcia-Munoz, I. Margiolaki, M. Aranda (article available online).

17. Solid State communications 140, 359-363 (2006), A. Palewicz, T. Szumiata, R. Przenioslo, I. Sosnowska, I. Margiolaki (article available online).

18. Phys. Rev. B 74, 144406-1:10 (2006), C. Yaicle, C. Frontera, J. L. García-Muñoz, C. Martin, A. Maignan, G. André, F. Bourée, C. Ritter, and I. Margiolaki (article available online).

19. Chem. Comm. 27, 2820-2822 (2007), P. Horcajada, S. Surblé, C. Serre, D. Y. Hong, Y. K. Seo, J. S. Chang, J. M. Grenèche, I. Margiolaki & G. Férey (article available online).

(Top 25 most-downloaded ChemComm articles January–March 2016)

20. J. Phys. Cond. Mater. 19, 406212- 406220 (2007), J.L. García-Muñoz, C. Frontera, P. Beran, N. Bellido, J.S. Lord , C. Ritter, I. Margiolaki (article available online).

21. J. Phys: Cond. Mater. 20, 104239:1-7 (2008), Slawinski, R. Przenioslo, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, I. Margiolaki, A. N. Fitch, & E. Suard (article available online).

22. Acta Physica Polonica A 113, 1225-1230 (2008), W. Slawinski, R. Przenioslo, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, I. Margiolaki (article available online).

23. J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 20, 395224 (2008), M. Calamiotou, A. Gantis, I. Margiolaki, D. Palles, E. Siranidi & E. Liarokapis (article available online).

24. Chem. Mater. 20, 9, 3068-3075 (2008), C. Frontera, J. L. García-Muñoz, N. Bellido, I. Margiolaki and C. Ritter (article available online).

25. Chem. Commun., 4732-4734 (2008) - Communication, F. Millange, N. Guillou, R. I. Walton, J.M. Grenèche, I. Margiolaki & G. Férey (article available online).

26. American Mineralogist 93,10, 1659-1665 (2008), M. Tribaudino, M. Bruno, G. Iezzi, G. Della Ventura , I. Margiolaki (article available online).

27. J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 130, 15967–15981 9 (2008), S. R. Miller, G. M. Pearce, P. A. Wright, F. Bonino, S. Chavan, S. Bordiga, I. Margiolaki, N. Guillou, G. Ferey, S. Bourrelly & P. L. Llewellyn (article available online).

28. Phys. Rev. B 79, 064423 (2009), F. Yokaichiya, A. Krimmel, V. Tsurkan, I. Margiolaki, P. Thompson, H. N. Bordallo, A. Buchsteiner, N. Stüßer, D. N. Argyriou & A. Loid (article available online).

29. Europhysics Letters 85, 26004 (2009), M. Calamiotou, A. Gantis, D. Lampakis, E. Siranidi, E. Liarokapis, I. Margiolaki & K.Conder (article available online).

30. Acta Cryst. B 65, 5, 535-542 (2009), W. Slawinski, R. Przenioslo, I. Sosnowska, M. Bieringer, I. Margiolaki & E. Suard (article available online).

31. Crystal growth & Design, 9, 2927-2936 (2009), C. Volkringer, T. Loiseau, N. Guillou, G. Ferey, M. Haouas, F. Taulelle, N. Audebrand, I. Margiolaki, D. Popov, M. Burghammer, C. Riekel (article available online).

32. Chem. Materials, 21, 1602-1611 (2009), G. de Combarieu, M. Morcrette, F. Millange, N. Guillou, J. Cabana, C. P. Grey, I. Margiolaki, G. Ferey, J. M. Tarascon (article available online).

33. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 48, 5163-5166 (2009), T. Ahnfeldt, N. Guillou, D. Gunzelmann, I. Margiolaki, T. Loiseau, G. Ferey, J. Senker, N. Stock (article available online).

34. American Mineralogist 95, 369-381 (2010), G. Iezzi, G. Della Ventura , M. Tribaudino, P. Nemeth, I. Margiolaki, A. Cavallo, F. Gaillard, H. Behrens (article available online).

35. Contrib. Mineral Petrol. 160, 899 (2010), M. Tribaudino, R.J. Angel, F. Camara, F. Nestola, D. Pasqual, I. Margiolaki (article available online).

36. Phys. Rev. B 81, 6, 064511 (2010), A. Marcinkova, D. Grist, I. Margiolaki, T. C. Hansen, S. Margadonna, J. W. G. Bos (article available online).

37. Dalton Transactions, 39, 28, 6389-91M. (2010), T. Wharmby, S. R. Miller, J. A. Groves, I. Margiolaki, S. E. Ashbrook & P. A. Wright (article available online).

38. Inorganic Chemistry, 49, 6865 (2010), M. Abrantes, T. R. Amarante, M. M. Antunes, S. Gago, F. A. Almeida Paz, I. Margiolaki, A. E. Rodrigues, M. Pillinger, A. A. Valente, and I. S. Goncalves (article available online).

39. Europhysics Letters 91, 57005 (2010), M. Calamiotou, I. Margiolaki, A. Gantis, E. Siranidi, Z. A. Ren, Z. X. Zhao and E. Liarokapis (article available online).

40. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 24, 3, 1181 (2011), M. Calamiotou , I. Margiolaki, Z.A. Ren · Z.X. Zhao , E. Siranidi, E. Liarokapis (article available online).

41. American Mineralogist 96, 353 (2011), G. Iezzi, M. Tribaudino, G. Della Ventura , I. Margiolaki (article available online).

42. Chem. Materials, 23, 39 (2011), R. Hajjar, C. Volkringer, T. Loiseau, N. Guillou, J. Marrot, G. Ferey, I. Margiolaki, G. Fink, C. Morais, F. Taulelle (article available online).

43. Chem. Materials, 23, 85 (2011), M. Poienar, C. Vecchini, G. Andre, A. Daoud-Aladine, I. Margiolaki, A. Maignan, A. Lappas, L. Chapon, M. Hervieu, F. Damay, C. Martin (article available online).

44. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 97, 2-3, 291 (2012), K. R. Whittle, N. C. Hyatt, I. Margiolaki, F. J. Berry, K. S. Knight, G. R. Lumpkin (article available online).

45. MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS Volume: 157 Special Issue: SI Pages: 18-23 (2012), Α. Lieb, Η. Leclerc, Τ. Devic, C. Serre, I. Margiolaki, F. Mahjoubi, J. S. Lee, A. Vimont, M. Daturi, J. S. Chang (article available online).

46. Microscopy and Analysis, vol. 27, 2, 24-29 (2013), Μ. Gemmi, Α. Galanis, F. Karavassili, P. P. Das, M. Calamiotou, A. Gantis, I. Margiolaki & S. Nicolopulos (article available online).

47. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 1 – 7 (2014), A. Douvali, A. Tsipis, S. V. Eliseeva, S. Petoud, G. S. Papaefstathiou, C. D. Malliakas, I. Papadas, G. S. Armatas, I. Margiolaki, M. G. Kanatzidis, T. Lazarides, M. J. Manos (article available online).

48. Nature Communications 6, 7100, (2015), C. D. Georgiou, H. J. Sun, C. P. McKay, K. Grintzalis, I. Papapostolou, D. Zisimopoulos, K. Panagiotidis, G. Zhang, E. Koutsopoulou, G. E. Christidis & I. Margiolaki (article available online).

49. American Mineralogist 101, 11, 2498 - 2513 (2016), G. Iezzi, G. D. Bromiley, A. Cavallo, P. P. Das, F. Karavassili, I. Margiolaki, A. A. Stewart, M. Tribaudino, J. P Wright (article available online).

50. ACS Inorganic Chemistry, 56, 762−772 (2017), A. Georgopoulou, I. Margiolaki, V. Psycharis, A. Boudalis (article available online).

51. Microchemical Journal, 138, 19–25 (2018). N. Zacharias, F. Karavassili, P. Das, S. Nicolopoulos, A. Oikonomou, A. Galanis, E. Rauch, R. Arenal, J. Portillo, i, J. Roque, J. Casablanca & I. Margiolaki (article available online).

52. Heritage Science 6:64 (2018), S. Nicolopoulos, P. P. Das, P. J. Bereciartua, F. Karavasili, N. Zacharias, A. Gómez Pérez, At. S. Galanis, E. F. Rauch, R. Arenal, J. Portillo, J. Roqué-Rosell, M. Kollia & I. Margiolaki (open access).

53. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9(6), 3379-3387 (2021), A. D Pournara, S. Rapti, A. Valmas, I. Margiolaki, E. Andreou, G. S Armatas, A. C Tsipis, J. C Plakatouras, D. L Giokas & M. J Manos (article available online).

54. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 435, 114290 (2023, online publication 2022), M. Skipitari, E. Kalaitzopoulou, P. Papadea, A. Varemmenou, V. E. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas, S. Tsakas, E. Rosmaraki, I. Margiolaki, T. Grune, C. D. Georgiou (article available online).

55. Symmetry, 14, 2355 (2022), Special Issue "Electron Diffraction and Structural Imaging II", P. P. Das, S. Plana-Ruiz, A. Galanis, A. Stewart, F.i Karavassili, S. Nicolopulos, . Margiolaki, M. Calamiotou, H. Putz, G. Iezzi (article available online).

Β. Peer reviewed Conference Proceedings

Β.1 Biochemistry-Structural Biology and X-ray Powder Diffraction Method Development for the Structural Characterization of Microcrystalline Proteins.

1. "Exploiting X-ray induced anisotropic lattice changes to improve intensity extraction in protein powder diffraction: application to heavy atom detection.", Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 26, 39-44 (2007), C. Besnard, F. Camus, M. Fleurant, A. Dahlström, J. P. Wright, I. Margiolaki, P. Pattison, M. Schiltz (article available online).

2. "Likelihood Methods With Protein Powder Diffraction Data.", Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 26, 27-32 (2007), J. P. Wright, A. Markvardsen and I. Margiolaki (article available online).

3. “Preliminary insights into the non structural protein 3 macro domain of the Mayaro virus by powder diffraction.”, Z. Kristallogr. 225, 576–580 (2010), N. Papageorgiou, J. P. Wright , A. N. Fitch, Y. Watiers, L. Saunders, B. Coutard , V. Lantez, E. A. Gould, B. Canard, I. Margiolaki* (article available online).

4. “Time-dependent analysis of K2PtBr6 binding to lysozyme studied by protein powder and single crystal X-ray analysis.”, Z. Kristallogr. 225, 570–575 (2010), J R Helliwell, A M T Bell, P Bryant , S Fisher, J Habash , M Helliwell, I Margiolaki , K Surasak , Y Watier, J Wright & S Yalamanchilli (article available online).

Β.2 Method Development: Applications to Biochemistry and the Characterization of Structural and Dynamical Characteristics of Complex Materials.

5. High Pressure Research, 22, 63-67, (2002), S. Assimopoulos, K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, I. Margiolaki, S. Margadonna, K.     Prassides, T. J. S. Dennis and H. Shinohara (article available online).

6. Acta Physica Polonica A , 117, 2, 323-327 (2010), W. Paszkowicz, P. Piszora, W. Lasocha, I. Margiolaki, M. Brunelli, A. Fitch (article available online).

C. Book Chapters related to Biochemistry-Structural Biology and X-ray Powder Diffraction Method Development for the Structural Characterization of Microcrystalline Proteins.

1. “Macromolecular Powder Diffraction”, Book Chapter for the International Tables of Crystallography- Volume H: Powder Diffraction, chapter 7.1, 718-736, 2019, (available online), I. Margiolaki.

2.Proteins and Powders: An Overview”, In: Uniting Electron Crystallography and Powder Diffraction, Eds. U. Kolb, K. Shankland, L. Meshi, A. Avilov & W. David. (2012). Springer Netherlands, 137-147, (available online), I. Margiolaki.