
MB History

  • Prolific level creator and Quark/Constructor whiz.

  • Contributed many levels to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest. Was an early adopter of Quark and responsible for the conversions of many pre-MBP 1.00 levels.

Relevant Memes

  • Derided by many for his levels in PlatinumQuest, which are often regarded as beautiful aesthetically but clunky and unplayable gameplay-wise. His level Fault Line in particular became a meme, after hPerks commented in his beta feedback "If anyone picks this level in a gem hunt tournament I'll rip their dick off", and it was subsequently picked by Nock in the finals against him.

  • In the proboards era, was known for artificially racking up his forum post count with small insignificant posts, including his catchphrase "Welcome aboard!" which was his go-to welcome post for new members in introduction threads.


  • Now working for SpaceX.