
MB History

  • Mediocre Marble Blast player, but enthusiastic spectator.

  • Contributed the error sound to PlatinumQuest. Listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits.

Community History

  • Long-time pet cockatiel of IsraeliRD.

  • Has a dedicated server on Marble Blast named after him.

  • Played a starring role during the April Fools events of 2019, when all emojis were replaces with pictures of Tsuf. Lots of these remain usable emojis in the PQ discord server. In addition, the :tsufangery: emoji is used for the PQ crash screen as well as being Modbot's avatar on Discord.

Relevant Memes

  • Gifted singer. His musical talents can be heard in Matan's old videos such as this one.