Hi! I am Manuel Menkhoff, a 4th year PhD candidate in Economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and ifo Institute in Munich. In 2023, I was a visiting student researcher at Stanford University

In my research, I work on questions in macro and public economics. In particular, I am interested in firm behavior related to their expectations and subjective uncertainty, as well as the reaction to news and shocks.

CV: pdf

Contact: menkhoff[at]ifo.de



Downward Revision of Investment Decisions after Corporate Tax Hikes (with Sebastian Link, Andreas Peichl and Paul Schüle), Policy Briefs: EconPol, Cato, Twitter Thread, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming

Demand or Supply? Price Adjustment Heterogeneity during the Covid-19 Pandemic (with Almut Balleer, Sebastian Link and Peter Zorn), pdf, Policy Briefs: VoxEU, ifo SD, International Journal of Central Banking, 2024, 20(1): 93-158. 

Work in Progress

Firm Expectations and Uncertainty in Normal Times and Times of Crisis (with Rüdiger Bachmann, Kai Carstensen and Martin Schneider)

The Devil is in the Tail: Macroeconomic Tail Risk Expectations of Firms 

Policy Briefs (selected)

Wie passen Unternehmen ihre Investitionen an die gestiegenen Zinsen an? (with Lea Best and Benjamin Born), ifo Schnelldienst digital, Vol. 5(3), 01-04, 2024.

Inwieweit geben Unternehmen die gestiegenen Einkaufspreise an ihre Kunden weiter? (with Isabel Gödl-Hanisch), ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 75(12), 32-34, 2022.  

Umsatzunsicherheit und Umsatzerwartungen deutscher Firmen zur Zeit des Ukraine-Kriegs: Gas und Gasausfall spielen eine eher geringe Rolle (with Rüdiger Bachmann, Kai Carstensen and Martin Schneider), ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 75(6), 33-36, 2022. 

The EU’s Social Connectedness to Ukraine and Its Implications for the Distribution of Ukrainian Refugees (with Lea Best), CESifo Forum, Vol. 23(4), 17-20, 2022. ifo SD (German)

Several contributions to the ifo economic forecasts (with firm-level data analysis), e.g. ifo Konjunkturprognose Sommer 2022: Inflation, Lieferengpässe und Krieg bremsen wirtschaftliche Erholung in Deutschland, ifo Schnelldienst, 2022, Vol. 75(Sonderausgabe Juni), 01-53, 2022.