My own space
"Meinungsfreiheit darf weder verhandelbar, noch politisch konformiert werden" Uwe Ostertag
Schon 20.000 Tote laut Covid 19 Statistik und ich wurde wieder mal übergangen; es gibt eben doch keine Gerechtigkeit.
Es wird kein 2022 mehr für mich geben, der Entschluss ist 100-prozentig. Ein Leben ohne Sinn ist eine Qual. Warum quälen, wenn man selbst die Initiative ergreifen kann, denn sich selbst zu liquidieren, das ist keine Straftat; aber es zu verhindern, das ist gegen meine Freiheitsrechte.
Als Liberaler kommt es mir in den Sinn, für die Menschen und Bürgerrechte einzustehen, die der Staat dem Volk nicht gewähren will. Ja, ich bin Querdenker, Freidenker oder auch Systemkritiker, deshalb mache ich ich ständig wegen Paragraph 130 StGB strafbar. Und eine Justiz, die wie zu Adolf bzw. Honeckerzeiten das totalitäre Regime unterstützt ist die Grundmauer des Faschismus. dem Krieg der Regierung gegen die Freiheit aller Bürger.
Bei der derzeitigen Auslegung des Grundgesetzes durch die Bundesregierung, muss ich schon darauf spekulieren, dass die Grundväter des Grundgesetzes Nazis waren, die Hintertüren für eine faschistische Diktatur einbauten.
Um ehrlich zu sein, ich habe die Schnauze voll, eigentlich von allem. Egal, ob es die Politik ist, das Leben oder die verhunzte Gesellschaft, welche zum Großteil aus hirnamputierten Zombies oder aus ejakulierenden Berufsdenunzianten. Ja, ich betreibe Satire, oftmals sehr hart, manche sagen sogar geschmacklos. Nur, Egal ob ich Satire betreibe, eine freie Meinung veröffentliche oder auch ab und an ein Zitat schreibe, der Sinn liegt in der Polemik, weil es doch zu viele gibt, die im Trinchenschlaf der Lemminge verblöden. . Natürlich ist es mein Sinn, Menschen die Augen zu öffnen, sie zum Nachdenken animieren. Nur das Hauptproblem sind Diejenigen, die mir ans Bein pissen wollen. Entweder sind diese viel zu blöd, meinen provokanten Stil der Satire zu verstehen, oder sie sind bereits einer staatlichen Hirnwäsche erlegen, dass diese sich einbilden, ihre Gefühle zu verletzen. Aber mal ehrlich, einen degenerierten Affen, der in der geistigen Metamorphose der politischen Korrektheit lebt, den kann man nur mit der Waffe der Satire(Spott und Hohn) treffen. Ja, ich hasse Diejenigen, die sich als geistige Übermenschen aufspielen, sich als Sprachpolizisten aufführen und andere Menschen vor den Kadi schleifen wollen, eben weil die Worte nicht korrekt sind. Auch die Richter, Staatsanwälte und Politiker, die einem vorschreiben wollen, wie man denken soll, welche Kritik man haben darf, die sind in meinen Augen eher Abschaum der Gesellschaft. Solche indoktrinierten "Herrenmenschen" können mit gestohlen bleiben. Und wenn diese aauch noch zu blöd sind, Satire und freies Denken zu verstehen, dann können sie mir gerne mal den Buckel runter rutschen. Ja ich bin im Visier der Justiz, sie trachten mir nach der Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit. Um ehrlich zu sein, ich sehne mich nach dem dritten Reich, wo man mich würdig bestrafen würde - mit dem Tod. Denn als unfreier Mensch zu leben, da wird nicht meine Sache sein, lieber lass ich meinen Torso von einem pünktlichen Regionalzug zermanschen. Denn, welchen Sinn hat denn noch das Leben als geistiger und körperlicher Sklave der Gesellschaft? Leider muss ich auch erwähnen, dass mir Linksextreme androhten, mich zu erschlagen; ja aber wo sind sie, diese feigen Kakerlaken? Würde ich allerdings die Missstande nicht ankreiden, genauso verblödet wie Andere einem stinkenden Misthaufen zujubeln, als wenn es Erdbeertorte wäre, ich könnte mir nicht mehr beim Rasieren im Spiegelbild in die Augen schauen.
Enemy of the People and the State
Text in German/Deutsch; plz click here
Legal notice: all those who cannot understand irony, sarcasm, cynicism and any form of making fun of things should leave this site NOW! The same is suggested for individuals who do not like me to start with!
The writings you find here are not meant to discredit or attack any mentioned person. One of your options would be to go It might avoid your misunderstanding of my solely satiric expressions of my view - which is not meant to step on any ones toes. I assume that not every one will understand my writings as they are meant. I do declare they are not intended to hurt any one! Unfortunately we do live in a society in which we find all too many who enjoy denouncing others; I am the only one who has the right to do this to myself.
I am traveling in various realms under the moniker of “gauni2002” as well as Uwe Ostertag to leave my comments on various posted subjects. I also compose several blogs - to be viewed from my home page- in my typical style of sarcasm, irony and cynicism; some value my satire, others condemn it.
I am simply attempting to write the way i think - or don’tthink. I am well aware i am no competition to Goethe, Kleist or Kant - Walt Whitman, Ernest Hemingway or Shakespeare- I would never compare myself to those famous men! I am even afraid they would turn in their graves if they saw what i do to the written word. I am simply writing for my own pleasure, it is my hobby. For many years now I had no problems with my past time undertakings, until two days ago. The police paid me a visit. The came from the nearest precinct accompanied by a local witness who shall remain anonymous.
They came to search my home and the reason was “Volksverhetzung(Sedition)“
That reason alone was inconceivable! I am neither against foreigners nor do i sympathize with terrorist groups of any kind. They followed a complaint in regards to my blog entries and stories where i do make fun of just about any thing, including myself.
They claim i insult the present state of affairs, i throw around slander and am an enemy of the State? They wanted proof and confiscated my tools of propaganda; to shut me down and prevent further distribution: they took my computer!
I had to shake my head in disbelief since all my writings are open to any internet surfer. So they did not really take evidence, they took my tool, my “typewriter”! Should they not take all those into custody who read my writings? It would definitely be more fun to watch the Wuerzburg Police take all the google surfers in who ever read any/all of my dangerous materials - but that might make it taboo to google anything? So is there any logik in confiscating my computer? Now i am going over the fine line again and start the satire: what sort of intelligence does the police show? (definitely not the same sort we see on “Law and Order”.
Here are my “wrong doings” though i clearly state in the beginning who should not read my works; Did not the accuser overstep the legal boundaries by dishonoring my request for only friendly readers who have an ample dose of humor to penetrate into my literary attempts?
May be they are illiterates, unable to comprehend a whole paragraph. I state clearly that i am using cynicism, sarcasm and irony in order or hopes that this would suffice to protect me.
public enemy
From all I know so far it was the city of Wuerzburg itself who initiated the legal proceedings. Does this mean the City of Wuerzburg, the police district of Wuerzburg, the local district attorneys as well as the Honorable Judge have all read my humble attempts at literature. All of them have interpreted them opposite my intentions and i createt a f(r)ight? Here i need to cite Wikipedia’s definition of irony:
Henry Watson Fowler, in The King's English, says “any definition of irony—though hundreds might be given, and very few of them would be accepted—must include this, that the surface meaning and the underlying meaning of what is said are not the same.”
Now, the German citation was a bit more ironic!
Some times translation looses a bit. This however does not minder the fact, that my writings have not been understood by the accuser and/or intentionally misinterpreted my works. Do i now conclude that the city as well as district attorney are A) extremely self conscious have no sense of humor at all C)... i better not speculate any further
Now that i know i never know who will read my works I ought to be more careful?
There must be thousands of dry humorless people in this world whose brains are drying and shriveling; the sort who can only thrive on “Jerry Springer” and the “Inquirer”.there is a German saying that it is a sign of danger when the stupid start getting busy. That might well be busy beginning to think. Now that might explain some of the outrageous verdicts we see in our “justice” system (i would like to refer to some email reports where the burglar was cleared and the home owner charged because the burglar locked himself in the home)... i am referring here to USA happenings that have nothing to do with the jurisprudence system in the afore mentioned city.....
Just so no one misreads this comment!
Please note that the judge himself has not signed it personally, no, he had his minion do that task; i can only assume that is legal.
I am, however, afraid of the possible outcome of this whole ordeal! Up to 5 years in prison is hanging over me. Not that the 5 years scare me, it is rather the fear of being prohibited down the road to write any and all blogs in the future! To be removed from society and disabled to openly say my peace or piece ...the end of my freedom of speech! Or worse yet, that i could be brain washed to conform to the norm, the norm of the “Inquirer” reader and “Jerry Springer show” watcher. I do not want my own being lowered to the general status quo elevation.
My other concern is that i am now labeled a demagogue and thus an enemy of the state of my country, would this make me a poltical prisoner? And would this fact then be in conflict with the “Genfer Menschenrechtskonvention” (Geneva human rights convention)
Will i have to apply for political asylum in a foreign country, a country where freedom of speech still exists? Does such a country still exist? All those questions keep me awake night after night!
“Who so ever has followed my story might understand that i have nothing to lose, well may be a little piece or remaining pride; i am not willing to just let this slide away, i worked hard to get to this point!”
At least i think i know now how Sarrazin must have felt, when his writings were intentionally misinterpreted, only to hit him hard -” kinda reminds ya of bullies on the palyground?” Am I expreiencing this Anti-Sarrazin-Effekt too close to my own skin now? May be i even carry Sarrazin Or is the main question to be asked: do we still live in a democracy where freedom of speech is truly free?
I thank you for reading