Atmospheric Circulation

A few videos to help introduce the layers of the atmosphere and its basics, and then explaining what atmospheric circulation is. The middle 3 videos are a series that focuses on a different aspects of atmospheric circulation in each video.

The students would receive a white balloon to draw on. On the bottom they would draw the earth, and above that in order they would separate with lines across the balloon each layer and label it. They would also draw pictures to show what's in each layer (clouds, airplanes, etc). The worksheet that they can refer to when drawing this visual is linked there as well.

Similar to the previous activity, but would involve more hands on involvements with coloring and drawing each section completely on a poster board or large sheet of paper. We would separate the different layers together as a class, and then after learning about each layer they would get to draw it themselves. The worksheet that they can refer to when drawing this visual is linked there as well.

Climate Change

Here are a few videos I would show to the class explaining what climate change is to introduce it a quick video choosing one of the top two. Then, I would go more in depth with global warming and how that's bad as well as the greenhouse effect causing global warming and the gases affecting this.

Here is an activity the students would do in class, where they create their own models of the green house gases that are affecting us. In the slideshow that I would use to "lecture", are slides explaining how to do this activity for the students to see and copy.

Oceanic Circulation

A few videos helping introduce oceanic circulation, how it affects our earth, and how ocean currents occur.

Ocean Currents Activity

An activity shown within the video that I would need adult volunteers in the classroom to help with, and the kids would do this in groups. Or if they're old enough they can do it alone in groups, shows them how ocean circulation occurs. Directions next to the video

Ocean Current Activity pt2

Another activity that would need adult supervision, but is a great visual for the students to see this circulation and the currents with warm and cold water. Could add plastic ocean animals such as fish or dolphins to help with the visual and fun aspect. Directions next to the video

The Scientific Method

Videos explaining what the scientific method is and it's steps. Showing examples for each step as they go through an experiment so the students understand what they are supposed to do.

The students would have a science experiment where they are testing whether cookies sink or float. As they are doing this experiment they'll need to use the steps of the scientific method in order, this will help them understand why it's important and why we use it. Directions are next to the activity.