E.K.A.T.I is a private organization of adult education and training. It is a certified training organization by the National Certification Agency for Qualifications and Career Guidance with a good ranking based on the evaluation of the Ministry of Education. The organization is newly established and has trained - to date - more than 1,000 people in the region of Epirus, performing more than 2,000 man-hours of training programs in almost all business sectors (ICT, Tourism, Finance & Administration, Agriculture professions, Technical Professions, Manufacturing, Health & Welfare, Environment, Pedagogic, and Culture). Target groups are unemployed, low-skilled adults, low qualified adults, long-term unemployed, employees, self- employed, adults in social exclusion. 

EKATI's staff consists of 4 full time employees. They are responsible for managerial, administrative activities and instructional design. During peak seasons EKATI hires an average of 30 educators, career advisors and secretaries per year. Total number of learners per year is 350. E.K.A.T.I. training center is able to provide services such as: 

● Education and Training 

● Employment Counseling 

● Promotion of Employment 

● Certification Knowledge of New Technologies and Foreign Languages 

● Support of SME's 

● Preparation of Business Plans for inclusion in Co-funded programs 

● Implementation Studies-Research 

● Business Consultation & Mentoring 

● Organization of Transnational EU Programs 

● Conferences 

● Support for Businesses and local social organizations 

The main activities of E.K.A.T.I. are services provided in the following areas: 

− Vocational training to low-skilled adults, unemployed, employees and self-employed. 

− Career Counseling and support to unemployed and employees on issues such as exploring career interests and skills, professional orientation, connection with the labor market. 

− Coordination, management and implementation of European Projects. 

− Business Consultation & Mentoring 

− Support of SME's − Linking training to the labour market

 − Studies and Research on Human Resources and Local Development. 

− Support businesses in getting funding from national initiatives. 

E.K.A.T.I. guides its action in order to create competitive advantage for its trainees and add value in each completed project, through the development and implementation of innovative systems for lifelong learning, pioneering educational materials, tools and applications with emphasis on the development of methods on distance education (e- learning). E.K.A.T.I. has a very wide network of partners, municipalities, local and national authorities, enterprises, NGO’s, Universities and research centers. The company undertakes the support of unemployed in order to respond to the market conditions, through initiatives such as: 

- Training for low-skilled adults in Numeracy and Literacy. 

- Training for the unemployed adults in basic skills on ICT, English lessons, Business Administration.

- Training for the unemployed with mandatory employment in positions associated in almost all business sectors. 

- Entry requirement for unemployed. 

- Support of vulnerable groups in the market. 

Bousi Eirini 

EU Project Coordinator: She has undergraduate studies in International and European Economics from the Economic University of Athens. She has also postgraduate studies in Health Administration from National School of Public Health and finally MBA - Master of Business Administration from the Open University of Greece. She has many years of experience in the coordination and implementation of European projects as Youth in Action, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+. She has been working also for 11 years in the economic department of an Insurance and Social Fund. 

Bousis Antonios 

Project Manager-Education Consultant: He has undergraduate studies in Business Administration from University of Macedonia. He was Director - Branches Network Division at National Bank of Greece for more than 15 years. Moreover, he was a managing director at Centre for Urgent Action. He has a lot of experience in Human Recourse Management and Project Management. He is now working in EKATI with his valuable experience as Project Manager and Education Cosultant. 

Ntanis Georgios 

Coordinator of new technologies -PhD candidate in Digital Technology: He has undergraduate studies in Computer Science from ATEI of Macedonia and postgraduate studies in Department of Informatics MSc in Information Technology and Human Sciences. Now he is a PhD candidate in Ionian University in Effective Decision Making Techniques for crisis prevention and management applications. He has worked for many years as computer engineer and now works in the Municipality of Igoumenitsa as Scientific Associate. He is responsible for digital Local Action Plans. He has also experience in Erasmus projects both with the Municipality and the University. 


Education - Training - Develepmet - New Technologies 


Podcast with the president of the Regional Council Ms Braimi Stavroula speaking about how she managed to get elected firstly as a Mayor of Paramythia and then as a President of the Regional Council in a region of Greece, where the male politicians dominated for years. Also, she mentions how hard she tried to help other women of the region throught targeted actions.

on the occasion of women's day

Poetry for women in English.docx

5th - 11 February

Presentation of workshops and seminars concerning women, during the second year of the project 


lesson on racism

Training of Returnees and People with Disabilities

Functional Illiteracy – Social Inclusion 

(Counseling, Pre-training, Training) - December 2021- March 2022

In the framework of the Educational Unit "Integrated interventions for people who are in a state of social exclusion" we have planned a series of educational programs with an integrated character.

The aim is to provide information, counseling services for vocational guidance, pre-training that includes introduction to language and digital education and the main education, in which the trainees attended courses in thematic units, such as:

The aim is to improve - increase knowledge, gain experience that increases their skills and overall capacity for smooth integration into European societies and encourages access to active employment policies.

The thematic unit for poetry as a vehicle of hope and free thought was important.

We focused on the fact that poetry is a universal language that nourishes human liberation; it is another way of escaping from the gloomy reality, as Thomas Eliot used to say 

"Poetry is not a release of emotion, but an escape from emotion. It is not an expression of personality, but an escape from personality".

We chose Homer Odyssey as the most representative poem of the world community.

Among other things, it is closer to the situations faced by immigrants and the afflicted. Endless journeys into the unknown, adventures, dangers, anxieties about the destination.

There are three thematic cores of the Odyssey. The first is the "Telemachia", is the action of Telemachus, the son of the central hero of this epic, the mythical king of Ithaca Odysseus. The second is what is projected at the beginning of this epic, in its "preface": the adventures of Odysseus on land and sea, in a ten-year wandering [. . .]

The third is the "Murder of the suitors", is the punishment of the suitors of Penelope's wife, after his twenty-year absence from Ithaca. The Odyssey (like the Iliad) is one of the few most read books in the world. The volume contains quotes about Homer, a broad summary of the epic, translation, commentary, analysis and didactic elaboration of rhapsodies.

A few words about teaching:

After the fall and destruction of Troy, Odysseus, the resourceful king of Ithaca, embarked on his return voyage with his ships and companions. But Poseidon, the god of the sea, angry because Odysseus blinded his Cyclops son, Polyphemus, punished him for wandering for ten whole years in unknown lands, dangerous islands and raging seas. Cannibals and huge monsters got in his way. Eventually, with his intelligence, perseverance, indomitable will and superhuman efforts, he managed to return to Ithaca. His endless adventures and his titanic effort are described to us by the great poet of antiquity, Homer, in his wonderful work Odyssey.

We would like to inform you that an opportunity was given to the trainees for active participating and interaction in order to more easily assimilate the spirit and the meaning of the poem.

Of course, the whole teaching was done from a summary of the Odyssey since as it is known, its complete analysis requires special knowledge and of course an excellent understanding of the Greek language.

In the way that was chosen, the basic meaning of the project was understandable; its key elements and mainly the trainees themselves gave their own positions and opinions about the content and the connection with the now.

Greek language courses  and  ict courses for immigrants 

Activities of consultation on the institutional framework of the functioning of the structures of the European Union to immigrants