The CPIA 1 Foggia is an organization belonging to the Italian Ministry of Education and it belongs to the category of autonomous School Institutions (Istituzione Scolastica Autonoma). It is divided into a central office, 8 sections associated (Foggia, San Severo, Cerignola, Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo, Bovino, Rodi Garganico and Stornarella) with 3 prison sections. To Italian and foreign citizens we supply services and activities aimed at the education of adults, this considered as a means for the personal, social, cultural and economic growth of the whole citizenry.

CPIA 1 is organised so that we can be in close contact with local autonomous organisations and with the employers present on the territory. It can be considered as an educational laboratory, but also as an organisation fostering the integration process, addressing the demands and needs of the territory.

Who is it addressed to?

Italian and foreign adults older than 16 years who have not yet fulfilled mandatory schooling, who do not own a first instruction cycle final certificate or who are willing to get a high school diploma or even improve their linguistic and digital skills.

Why going back to school?

•    To have more and better employment opportunities

•    To improve your skills in dealing with new technologies

•    To improve your language skills for daily communication, travel and knowledge

It is of fundamental importance for all citizens who want to improve their personal and professional situation – be them workers, unemployed, retirees or housewives – to obtain a qualification.

With a lifelong learning view in mind, the CPIA offers solid growth perspective, study incentives and help in accessing instruction paths to all citizens who wish to undertake (further) formation.

According to the specific needs of the learners, the paths of adult instruction are divided into Italian language literacy teaching and paths of first level and second level:

Learning the Italian language is a key step in the integration process of foreign citizens into the territory; thus, to those willing to learn or improve their level of written and spoken Italian, the CPIA offers programs of literacy and Italian language learning finally aimed at the achievement of a language certification not inferior to the A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CFER) for the knowledge of languages; the A2 level is required to obtain the residency permit (Carta di lungo soggiorno). The CPIA is also a branch where it is possible to undertake this test.

The first level programs supplied by the CPIA are divided into two didactic periods: the first period is aimed at the achievement of the first instruction cycle final certification (licenzia media); the second period is built for the achievement of a certification that attests the acquisition of key competencies linked to the fulfilment of mandatory education and to activities shared by the different typologies of technical and professional high school institutions.

The organisation of educational activities chosen by the teachers operating in the CPIA is a modular one, meaning that it is peculiar because of its flexibility, expendability and transferability and that it embodies the most fitting structure in terms of the needs of an adult users pool by acknowledging all the previous credits, including the informal ones. A module here is meant as a full formation package aimed at the achievement of a certified result and/or of specific competencies. Every module begins with an entry test and is completed with a final test that verifies the achievement of the appropriate results.

The second level programs are embedded in the cycle of secondary education (i.e. high school level institutions) and are structured in three didactic periods aimed at the achievement of a secondary education level diploma (diploma di scuola superiore).

The teachers involved in this project have been working for many years in the field of adult education and have gained skills at all levels, both at the didactic –methodological and organizational level. In particular the professor Alfonso Rainone, contact person, gained experience mostly within the virtual European collaboration projects (e Twinning), receiving many times the quality label and during the school year 2009-2010 also the European Quality Label. During the school year 2009-2010 he participated in the realization of a multilateral mobility project Comenius LLP. He also was the e Twinning ambassador for three years. In this moment he is an active member of EPALE. He takes care of training teachers and in the CPIA 1 Foggia he is a digital animator. The professor Anna Maria Di Bari, a math and science teacher, expert in TIC, many times function instrumental, worked in projecting courses with national and international funding .She took place many times in GOP (facilitator, assessor, expert and designer). Both teachers participated to a specific training course about ERASMUS PLUS. Last year they also finished with success a mobility professional activity of job-shadowing with a homologous Spanish school (professor Rainone was the referent of the project), receiving an ERASMUS+KA104- Adult education staff mobility. 

The importance of integration in Foggia. Strategies against depopulation

The CPIA presents its activities to the territory

8 march, 2023  

Preparatory activities for Women's Day by the students of Foggia and San Giovanni Rotondo

February 2023 - Students, teachers and head teachers of CPIA visiting the European Parliament

Bovino 9 february 2023 - 2nd LTTA 

Spanish, Greek and Italian students and teachers meet to perform Aristophanes' play Assemblywomen 

Three groups have been formed, one for each country (Italy, Spain, Greece). With the guidance of the teacher in charge, each group studied the script in the language of the country in which they live (Spanish, Greek, Italian) or in their own mother tongue and  assigned the parts, trying to play Aristophanes' comedy, without necessarily learning to memory the part, but simply doing a dramatized reading. Once ready, the groups represented the work in the various languages tested.

FOGGIA: what to see, where to eat and to do

Tour guide by students of CPIA of Bovino in preparation for the visit of the partners


Learning Teaching Training Activities at the CPIA of Foggia 

6 - 10 February 2023

Agenda of the meeting in Foggia.pdf

January 2023


CPIA students interview their headteacher


Messenger Service is the magazine of CPIA1 Foggia which, year after year, tells about us, our students and our adventure that is repeated every time always different, always rich in multiculturalism, stories of social redemption, of real life.

I want to share with you this special edition that will take you around the world telling you how Christmas is lived, and not only, in every corner of the planet.

... the world seen through the eyes of our students.

click on the image and ...

enjoy the reading!

28th october 2022

WOMEN ... 

from the CPIA to the working world 



interpreters: the students of the CPIA

During the Second World War the Allied Command of the 15th Air Force resided in Foggia. From 1944 to 1945, in a place called Ramitelli, the only existing "all black" airport made up of only African American persons. They fought against an enemy who spoke not only German, but also English, French and Italian. That enemy was called RACISM.

All the world in one school 

At the center for adults of Foggia sounds, languages and colors of the students who attend the institute.

Welcome, solidarity and interculture. The day of celebration that marked the end of the school year was transformed into a real celebration of peoples.

Leading the event was the head teacher who presented and introduced the moments that characterized the animation event including readings, product stands, songs and dances, presentation of the many projects implemented. Many students who wore traditional clothes from Senegal, Somalia, Morocco, Ukraine, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Russia, Albania, Romania and other nationalities

17th-22th May '22 

 1st student mobility story of an experience 

Grecia- (1).pptx

An advertising spot to promote the CPIA 1 FG    KEYWORDS: second chance and inclusion

school is ending ... now it is time to do school promotion and to attract all the marginalized and those who have dropped out of school. It is necessary to give them a second chance. To do this, what is better than a video?

CPIA Spot definitivo~1.mp4

Multiculturalism and integration

This video is part of the actions aimed at general training on the phenomenon of migration, on cultures and on activities of experiences that tend to develop intercultural, communicative and linguistic skills useful in reception and integration paths. 

The video proposes the integration of a foreigner who enters a classic class group of CPIA 1 Foggia in the current year and, timidly fits with so much difficulty, at the beginning the students resisted a little but immediately after they identified themselves in him (also because most of them are foreigners) and they tried to make their closeness felt through a kind gesture represented by the preparation of a small welcome party for him, they prepared many sweets typical of their country and dressed in colors of their national flags welcomed him and celebrated all together, the bewildered but very excited student accepted their friendship and together they shared a magical moment.

WhatsApp Video 2022-05-12 at 18.37.45.mp4

Guess who's coming to school: a role play on integration

March 21, 2022

 the first day of Spring.


to remember the victims of all mafias

The day of remembrance and commitment in memory of the victims of the mafia, commissioned by Don Luigi Ciotti, is celebrated on 21 March because it is the first day of spring. The first day of the awakening of the life, truth and hope. The hope of never forgetting who he fought knowingly and innocently against the mafias and all corruption. A memory, "the memory" of all the victims, so that they remain etched in the minds of all, as examples of commitment, honesty and freedom for the sake of their country and that their murder does not remain vain! 

The learners of CPIA1FG school of San Giovanni Rotondo recalled some of the thousands of names of innocent victims of the mafia. Many, too many, unjustified victims, killed by one hand: the Mafia.

The students are all united in a single circle, that of our world, of our land, in a symbolic embrace, we remembered who the mafia he fought it and who was an unaware victim.

Their names were brought to life by voice of the students. Live, again and forever, in the voice, in the name and in memory of all, to never forget!

"The value of freedom, which these people have defended, is priceless, because freedom has no masters ". ”Each of us has read a sentence of those who have been killed by mafia, innocently, and we got excited, so much! "

The landing place

A loaded boat left him exhausted on the shoreline of Lampedusa. He comes from a poor country in Asia or Africa, where it is difficult to live and where human rights are often lacking. He has abandoned his loved ones and left for Italy. Finally at the cost of many sacrifices he manages to conquer freedom, paid for with the sweat of so many families and passed through the inhuman gallows of Libya. His story is that of many other migrants, a hundred, a thousand Ulysses, who attempt the crossing of life at the mercy of the winds and swells of the Mediterranean. Without luggage, but with all its culture and all its land... Now he wants to help his family pay off the debt and, why not, be successful. 

Italy, his life dream is coming true. However many tell of the economic crisis that has been raging for years. Part of the population is unemployed. Young people are disillusioned and take refuge in artificial paradises. And as if this were not enough, the pandemic has also been added.

Loses ground under the feet, the emotion is too strong. Doubt invades him, did he make the right choice?

He is stubborn, he relies on reception institutions. Destination: a village in the province of Foggia.

He has to go to school, he has to learn the language of the host country.  The CPIA 1 Foggia is the right school for him. Specially he wants to understand the meaning of his journey ... the story of Ulysses and the other migrant students will help him.  The journey has just begun, there will be other destinations.

The study of the Odyssey to reflect on the meaning of one's journey

odyssey in short

students' school final work 

writing workshop  


A.S. 2021 - 2022

MARCH 2022

anti-war demonstration

together for peace

The ancient art of weaving and basketry

Manual activities to encourage the inclusion of students with special educational needs and to transmit an ancient tradition

MARCH 8, 2022

The CPIA 1 Foggia arrives in Montecitorio (Rome) with the award ceremony by the President of the Republic and the Minister of Education for the National competition Young women plan the future.

 This work resulted from a series of lessons on the situation of women in other countries and time epochs. 


Messenger Service is the magazine of CPIA1 Foggia which, year after year, tells about us, our students and our adventure that is repeated every time always different, always rich in multiculturalism, stories of social redemption, of real life.

It's a special edition that will take you around the world telling you how Christmas is lived, and not only, in every corner of the planet.

25 November 2021

International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women 

to keep attention on some important issues

october 25 

the CPIA 1 FOGGIA presents

migrant writers 

a conference on


The art to reflect on the gender diversity.


The 2022 calendar of the restricted students of Lucera (FG) dedicated to women. 

The inmates of the Lucera Prison also this year propose their different way of circulating art outside and inside the walls of the place that temporarily hosts them.

The novelty compared to the calendars of previous years is the monographic character of the artifact, focused on the works of a single artist and in particular on the female figure: a sort of tribute to the often vilified and mistreated woman, still relegated to a subordinate role. 

So, for an artistic calendar which works in the history of contemporary art to take as a model if not those of Amedeo Modigliani, who celebrated women more than others? It is no coincidence that the choice fell on him, because his portraits fully represent a praise to the mystery of female beauty and dignity.

TO YOU, WOMAN is the title of this calendar, which in its simplicity intends to convey an important message: to give the right and due consideration to the woman, recognizing their importance at a time when certain stereotypes continue to recur. Art in this sense represents a powerful tool: it allows those who practice it and those who enjoy it, not only to have fun, but also to start a process of transformation and acquisition of lost values.

With these assumptions we started our work, proposing to the inmates of CPIA 1 Foggia an educational path on artistic heritage through practical laboratory activities. We started from the observation and analysis of some of the masterpieces of the great artist, Amedeo Modigliani, to arrive at the reproduction of some of his works.

The technique used is always that of tracing, which allows everyone to try their hand at without necessarily having skills or artistic bases.

Compared to the originals, the chromatic effects even if they have not been fully respected, have certainly been dictated by the emotional state of the moment, going to connote the final work more. 

For this task, the works were chosen above all, in which the woman is celebrated not only in her ideal beauty, but also in her daily lives ... as we often see the women of our lives: mothers, sisters, wives, friends, colleagues.

It seems absurd to still have to talk about discrimination today, since society has progressed compared to the past, making great strides towards the well-being of all. Evidently there is still work to do to reach the long-awaited goal.

Meanwhile, let's dedicate this calendar to YOU, WOMAN, to YOU who fight small and big obstacles in life; to YOU, who can find the strength to fix what's wrong. 



september/october 2021 

In September the CPIA 1 FG reopens its doors with the sound of the bell after the long stop imposed by the pandemic for the Covid emergency. The goal is always the same: to promote the values of integration and multiculturalism. Our school, in fact, is a multi-ethnic school with many Italian and foreign adult students who have chosen to start a new life with us, giving themselves a second chance.

Our workshops have been characterized by an interactive methodology and have given us the opportunity to interact with the territory, through educational outings in local companies and the collaboration of expert volunteers who with their experience and their specific skills have been able to involve, intrigue and stimulate the students. These images testify to the interaction with the territory.


activities of integration


september/october 2021 

craft workshop activities to encourage the integration of our foreign students.

A path of learning the italian language in the working context ... and not only


Through a project linked to entrepreneurship, a pastry laboratory was activated where inmates enrolled in our courses were able to learn basic techniques related to the world of pastry art. The project was conceived and articulated with the specific intent of favoring the process of social inclusion and the adoption of socially acceptable models of life by the subjects in execution. The aim of this project was to enhance their potential within the prison, giving them the opportunity to acquire new skills.

MAY 27, 2021

Inauguration of a new section of CPIA 1 Foggia in the village of Bovino and public presentation of the strategic partnership project MAKING OUR SCHOOLS A BETTER PLACE.  

Partners: CEPA of Lliria (Spain) and IKE of Igoumenitsa (Greece). Memory picture with our headteacher and local authorities.

... despite the covid.


activities entrepreneurship with our prison students for social reintegration, workshop on binding techniques