4.1 Science Teams

Music is produced through sounds that have certain patterns and when different musical notes are sounded together by different instruments. There are rules that make the sound musical rather noisy. The science team has to produce a quiz of 10 MCQs and 3 short answers quiz with Google form. The Quiz must be accurate, challenging with feedback provided. The team also needs to teach the project group as the group will take quizzes from other groups and the science score is based on the quiz results. The key areas to address are the physical properties of sound, how it travels through air, what decides the pitch and loudness of sound, and what are the special properties of sounds that make music. The youtube below starts your learning journey. You should read the textbook and find more resources to gain a thorough understanding.

Example of Quiz:

Title: The science behind the sound

1.How is sound form?

There are three elements of sound: loudness, pitch and timbre.

The pitch of a wind instrument is determined by "_____________".

The loudness of a percussion instrument is determined by _____________________________.

This page demands active (doing something) and constructive (thinking about the doing) learning