1. Introduction

Interdisciplinary STEAM project

Level: Secondary 2

Students' characteristics:Motivated, curious, above average achievement, good ICT skills, experience in 3D printing

Instruction time ︰8 double 40 minutes periods

Lesson objectives

  1. Science: To explain how at least two types of musical instrument varies its pitch and amplitude

  2. Mathematics: To produce frequency and amplitude graphs for at least two types of musical instrument and explain the mathematical characteristics of sound wave

  3. Technology: To produce a three minutes presentation of a musical production.

  4. Engineering: To make at least two musical instruments that can be used to play the piece for performance.

  5. Music: To perform a one-two minutes musical piece with two instruments

This page informs teachers and students what the lessons are designed for, who should do the lesson, and the instructional objectives. The instructional objectives could also be replaced by instructional goals, leaving the objectives to be stated in the various activities. The student characteristics report the learner analysis.