2. The Challenge

At the end of this STEMQuest, your project group is to produce a three minutes multimodal production of a one-to-two minutes performance of a musical piece. The performance must have at least two types of self-made musical instruments (It can be a string instrument with a wind or percussion instruments). The making needs to be accompany with with an explanation of the science, mathematics and engineering knowledge involve in the making of the instruments.

This is lesson 1 of the STEMQuest.

By the end of this lesson, the project group need to decide on two self-made musical instruments for a 1-2 minutes musical piece you want to perform. You also need to decide within the team who play the role of science, mathematics, engineering, technology and music crews.


View the Youtube or choose other related resources to generate ideas about what instrument you want to choose.

Create an online shared document (possibly Google Doc) and post your URL here.

This page engages students with authentic problem: authentic to the subject matters; to students interest; to real world context. The approach can be inquiry-based, problem-based/ design-based, or case-based. Inquiry-based aims to construct theoretical knowledge, problem-based addresses real world problems that need to be solved, design-based create what the design specification desire and case-based is review on cases to understand the complex interplay of variables. A mixture of these approaches could also be possible.