Current Projects

(2022 - Present)

Magma Reservoir Evolution

Volcanoes are commonly imagined as magma chambers represented by the simple “ball and stick” model (Figure 1a). However, magma reservoirs are much more complex and consist of a vertically extensive network of reservoirs that often have different temperatures, chemistries, and other physical properties (Figure 1b). Magma in this network of reservoirs can ascend, cool, and mix with other reservoirs and trigger an eruption (Caricchi et al., 2021).

Volcanic hazards can be constrained through physical and geochemical analysis of minerals and quenched glasses in tephra (i.e., any sort of ejecta deposited from an explosive eruption). Volcanic eruptions can be hazardous and explosive events that are directly influenced by the processes of magma mixing of these complex reservoirs beneath the surface. Understanding the connection between magmatic reservoir evolution and eruption style is key to determining the potential for a hazardous eruption.

My M.S. thesis uses geochemical methods to understand the connection between chemical and physical properties of a magma reservoir system at Augustine Volcano (Alaska, USA, Figure 2). This volcano is an ideal workspace to address the link between reservoir dynamics and volcanic explosivity because it is active and has a history of a variety of eruptive personalities. My work will better constrain magma reservoir evolution beneath Augustine by analyzing the geochemistry of minerals and glasses in Late Holocene pumice clasts and constrain the parameters that potentially made this past eruption more explosive and hazardous than recently observed eruptions.

Check out Dr. Walowski's research page to learn more about what our lab group ERVPT (The Evergreen State's Research in Volcanology and Petrology Team) is up to.

Two panels of an artistic rendition of a magmatic reservoir system of a volcano. On the left is the simple, ball and stick model, and on the right is the more realistic, complex magmatic reservoir system.

Figure 1. Idealized volcanic plumbing systems. (a) “Ball and stick” simplified model with single magma chamber and feeder conduit. (b) More realistic model with vertically extensive network of reservoirs with different depths and chemical and physical properties. Arrows indicate flow direction of fluid, gas, and heat. Modified from Caricchi et al. (2021).

Tectonic map of Alaska, with Augustine Volcano highlighted.

Figure 2. Simplified tectonic setting of the eastern Aleutian Arc. Volcanoes are represented by triangles. Augustine is represented by the red triangle. Cities are represented by grey circles. Plate motions are in mm per year and are from DeMets et al. (1990). Base map adapted from ArcGIS Pro.

Past Projects


Sand Volume of the VA Barrier Islands

My undergraduate senior thesis work is titled Sea-Level Rise and Updrift Sediment Trapping Drive Net Sand Loss along the Virginia Barrier Islands. In this work, I estimated the changes in sand volume through time (1887 to 2017 CE) of the 13 barrier islands of Virginia's Eastern Shore (Figure 3) through calculating subaerial areas in ArcGIS and island thicknesses from sediment core data. This work revealed a net sand loss of these islands through time, with some islands growing, some shrinking, and some remaining unchanged. These results imply sand travels and shifts in-between islands in response to changing updrift barrier-scale behaviors.

With the help of my advisor Dr. Hein, I was able to publish these findings in Geomorphology in 2022. The data from this paper was recently cited in The Washington Post. Read it here: On the edge of retreat by Chris Mooney et al. (published Nov. 28, 2022).

Figure 3. Map of the 13 barrier islands along Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Adapted from ArcGIS® imagery by Esri.


Caricchi, L., Townsend, M., Rivalta, E., and Namiki, A., 2021, The build-up and triggers of volcanic eruptions: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, v. 2, p. 458–476, doi:10.1038/s43017-021- 00174-8.

DeMets, C., Gordon, R. G., Argus, D. F., and Stein, S., 1990, Current plate motions: Geophysical Journal International. v. 101(2), p. 425-478.