Mahinaokalani Robbins

PhD student at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa 

E komo mai! (Welcome!)

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I am pursuing my PhD at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. I have always wanted to study Hawaiian volcanoes, so I am very excited to work with Dr. Aaron Pietruszka in his isotope geochemistry lab. Stay tuned for more details on my current projects!

Please feel free to peruse my About page to learn more about me and my Research page to learn more about my current and past projects.

Photograph of Mahinaokalani Robbins (site owner) atop the large summit crater of Halema'uma'u (Kīlauea, Moku o Keawe, Hawai'i)

Throwing shakas at Halema'uma'u (Kīlauea, Moku o Keawe, Hawai'i)