Rising 11th Grade

James Madison High School Class of 2027

Course Recommendations

Academic Advising Meeting Schedule via English 10

Current 10th Grade students who are enrolled in English 10 with FCPS Online Campus or who are not enrolled in English 10 this year will be contacted by their school counselor to schedule a time to meet.

Entering Course Requests in StudentVUE for Rising 10th-12th

It is VERY important that students add their course requests into StudentVUE using the course code/number from the course selection sheet. This ensures you are placed into the correct class next year.

Rising 11th Grade students should add their course requests to StudentVUE: https://sisstudent.fcps.edu no later than Friday, January 17.

Students can make changes in StudentVUE any time prior to their Academic Advising meeting.

Course requests will be finalized once students meet with their counselor for Academic Advising. 

Students who wish to make a change to their course requests after meeting with their counselor have until Friday, March 14 for guranteed changes. 

**Academy Courses must be requested by March 7 to be considered as an on-time request.**

**The additional Dual Enrollment Registration steps must be completed by March 24.**

Enter Courses in StudentVUE.pdf

Course Selection Sheet: Rising 10th, 11th, 12th Grades

Courses available for the 2025-2026 School Year are included on this course selection sheet. 

Students should use the Course Selection Sheet to plan out their course plans for the 2025-26 school year. Students must use the course codes on this sheet to search for courses to add to their Course Requests in StudentVue. 

JMHS Rising 10-12 Course Selection Sheet.pdf

Curriculum Night for Rising 10-12th Grades: Slides Only

Rising 10-12 Curriculum Night UPDATED.pdf

Video Recording from Curriculum Night for Rising 10-12th Grades (Jan 9)